I’ve been tagged by my beautiful friend Jodie at http://diggingforpearls.blogspot.com Being tagged reminds me of a game we use to play as children. At dusk we gather at the end of the dead-end street and play tag, capture the flag, kick the can, and hid-and-go seek! While we waited to be tagged or caught, we catch lighting-bugs! Remember those games? Thanks for the sweet childhood memories, Jodie!
Here are the Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up
Now for six random things about myself: Drum roll, please…
1.) I like to lick the salt off of my potato chips before eating them. Oh, come on. You know you do too!
2.) I have a phobia of anything that craws and creeps across the ground—such as spiders, lizards, bugs, snakes, etc… Yuck! I just got a shiver from writing that!
3.) When I was little I wanted to be a teacher. In middle school I wanted to be an actress. In high school I wanted to be a Christian counselor. I find it interesting that I teach the Word of God with great expression, and as a minister, counsel many each day. Go figure?
4.) I’m allergic to mornings, almost always late, and don’t have the “o” in origination. Yet, somehow I mange to survive!
5.) Sometimes I go back to bed after taking my kids to school.
6.) I have a passion to make my life count and further the kingdom of God. (You know I had to throw something spiritual in there!)
Some of my favorite blogger friends are: Another drum roll, please…
1.) Angela at http://refreshmysoul.com/rmsportal is the essence of joy!! She is always smiling, cheerful, and encouraging—even during hard times! Angela has a passion for God’s Word and God’s people. I’m honored to be her friend.
2.) Carol at http://cantcookalick.blogspot.com is a hoot! This new found friend is like a breath of fresh air. She, too, knows how to let God and humor carry her through the storms of life. Carol is a living example that you can be a Christian and still have fun!
3.) Gwen at http://gwensmithsblog.blogspot.com has a heart for God and music. As a worship leader she is making strides in the music industry. I believe because she has a sincere heart for leading women and men to worship, adore, and know God.
4.) Sharon at http://joyinthetruth.blogspot.com is such a treasure! She is a great friend to all of us at Proverbs 31. Sharon has a large heart for things she loves—her God, her family, and her friends! She inspires me!
5.) Vern, or Pinkie as I like to call her, at http://inspiredlooks.blogspot.com What a fun chick! I get to see Vern once a year at She Speaks. (not enough) She has become sort of an icon figure who wears pink and sells fabulous jewelry. Love ya, girl!
6.) Elaine at http://peaceforthejourney.blogspot.com has a gift for writing. That’s why I like her blog. I’ve never met Elaine in person, but because of her love for Jesus we are kindred-spirits.
Well, that sums it up. I hope you visit these blogs. They are written by wonderful women worth getting to know!
Be Blessed!!
Thanks for the tag and your kind words. It feels good to be picked…kind of like being in gym class all over again.
I will ponder my randomness. I’ve done this one a few times before, and I never fail to find my random.
Blessings and peace to you this day~elaine
this is hilarious! I was tagged a while back for this and it is a fun post! I, too, lick salt off potato chips…but then i through them out …it drives my hubby CRAZY! I do not do this often, mind you!! haha!!
Hey friend!! Were you hired by my mother to try to make me exercise?
🙂 This was fun…just posted mine. Had trouble narrowing my quirkiness down to 6.
Oh My I have been tagged!
Come and see what I randomly shared…It took me forever…my kids made fun of me!
Thanks for the tag…it was fun!
Thanks for responding Micca as well as your sweet comments. I always smile when I see a comment from you.
Did you receive my email with subject “Magnolia, KY”?
I’m not sure if my email I send directly from my account is making it to your or being filter to your junk.
Can you add me into your address book and maybe that will let my email come through. dierkesp@hotmail.com
Thanks. I’ll try sending it again.