I have some exciting news! If you are searching for freedom from fear and have popped over for more insights from today’s devotion, than you’re going to love this!
You can be a part of an online bible study that meets every Tuesday and is hosted by Lelia.
Beginning in March, women across the states-and country-will come together to discuss and gain insights from my new release, An Untroubled Heart…Finding A Faith Stronger Than All My Fear, hosted by Lelia.
If you’re interested in how to join, where to get a book, and how to participate , visit Lelia at Write From the Heart.
I’ll be popping in and sharing in the discussion, too! I can’t wait to see what God’s got in store for us. I hope to meet you there!
Now, according to today’s devotion, what doubts, fears, and anxiety plague you today? Make a quick list. As you look at your list, recall this truth,
“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and sound mind.”
You and I were not created to live in fear. We were created to live by faith. More so, we were given a spirit of love, power, and sound mind–a peaceful mind. Oh, just saying those two words together creates a sense of rest–doesn’t it?
You see, Satan, is a liar and a thief. He’s out to steal from us what God has given us. He want’s our peace, our power, and our love for God and His truth. If he can seal these things from us, he can keep us in the boat.
Satan, knows what we’re capable with Christ, therefore he poisons us with fear. Satan believes if he can spook us, he can stop us.
So, what do we do?
First, we must confess our fears, doubts, and worries. In doing so we are saying, “I can’t” handle my anxious thoughts.
Secondly, we must trust in God’s promises. When we trust God, we’re saying, “You can” handle my anxious thoughts.
Finally, we must cast or let go of our cares and place them on God. His shoulders are big enough to carry them. And, we can give them to God because He loves us. Casting our cares on a God who cares for us is saying, “I’m going to let you have my fears.”
See you at Lelia’s place!
Hey Micca!
Can hardly wait to see how God uses you & your book in this blog study! He is so mighty & I love His timing!
Micca, I am so looking forward to the study with your book. I’m on the 3rd one Lelia has hosted and God has done some amazing things. I saw you in Rochester this last November and was so touched by your story, I know God will use your book too.
This morning as I have some fears of what lies ahead and fear walking down a difficult path once again, I so needed the 3 steps you laid out. I know I can’t handle what is going on, so though I’m afraid pain lies ahead, I trust God will carry me through.
Thank you,
Thanks so much for this devotion. The timing of it amazes me. For the last month I have been praying through doing something that the Holy Spirit has been impressing my heart over and over, in my daily quiet time the impression has become stronger. When I think about taking this responsibility on I think to myself, “self, are you crazy?” A few others who are close to me have said, “that is just too much, you can’t possibly do that”. But GOD, But His Word, But the impressions of the Holy Spirit everytime I think and pray over this. Thank you for the courage through the word to step out in fear only to see my fear turned into faith. We always think, at least I do that when God directs us to do something the faith will come first, but I am finding out that after we surrender our will and say yes Lord, step out in obedience then the Lord increases our faith.
Thanks again,
I loved the devotion you wrote today. How it touched my heart!!! If only we would be willing to take that first step…God has SO much planned for our lives, so many blessings just waiting for us on the other side. I pray God does a mighty work in and through this Bible study.
Love you,
Thank you for a wonderful devotion. It’s sort of a fleece to me that I didn’t know I had put out. God worked mightily through and through your devotion today!
Micca, Your devotion really spoke to me today. Like your daughter, I have been afraid and held back on many things…..fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of being hurt, I have missed out on several “what coulda been’s”. I only recently have been working on allowing God to take over and still struggle. Thank you for the reminder of what will happen when we finally realize we can fully trust in Him.
Hi Friends,
I’m away this weekend speaking and spending time with my family.
However, I wanted to pop in and let you know that I’m thinking about you and I’m praying for you as you deal with your fears.
I KNOW how difficult life can be when fear has it’s grip on you. But the truth is, God can set you free! You can live a life of faith instead of fear.
I’ll be sharing more of my journey and book in the future. I’ll also answer some of your questions. As I do, I’ll be praying for you and your loved ones.
Fear NOT, friend. God is with you!
Oh, Micca,
I needed this devo today.
We are in the middle of some exciting but huge decision with Nick’s foundation. My husband and two of our children have the opportunity to fly to India over spring break and visit an orphanage that the foundation may be partnering with…..and I am terrified!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your words on courageous living. I needed them today!
Hi Micca
I just wanted to pop in here and comment. I have been reading the story of Jesus walking on water with my 3 year old son during our morning bible time. I just love that God teaches us to step out on faith in this story. I am amazed at the wonderful things God wants for our lives if we will just lay our fear at His feet and take on faith.
It is a joy to meet you on-line and begin this study of your newly released book with Lelia.
Hi Micca!
When I read your devotion the other day I held on to it as I was considering getting your book. Today I decided to stop by Lelia’s blog and found that she has this scheduled for her next blog study. I’m sure God is leading me into this study so I signed up and looking forward to it.
Rich blessings to you!!
Thank you for your blog! It could not have come at a better time in my life. I made the decsion almost a year ago now to step out of everything known and comfortable at what I still feel was God’s calling for my life. My entire life I knew I wanted to be a teacher and in May 2006 graduated with a teaching degree. That is where the struggle began living in the midwest with my family and friends all around me I couldnt find a job! I hunted and searched for more then a year but no opportunities arose. Then after much prayer I felt got tugging on me to look outside of my comfort zone at other states many far far away from family and friends. In the midst of this my boyfriend of 6 years proposed and I accepted we planned on being married this upcoming July 2009. Well I followed Gods calling to Arizona where I attended a teaching job fair and got a job! My fiance and I prayed and felt that not only was God calling me to move to Arizona away from all I knew but to change our wedding date and we got married last July 2008! So last July we got married on July 11th, was in a horrible car accident that we came out of unharmed on JUly 12th and moved to Arizona on July 14th. That is when the fear began. ONce here I began to wonder what in the world have I done?? I am newly married, I had lived with my parents rent free until I was married, and now I have a new job in a new place far from my parents, other relatives and friends! Boy did the devil work in my hear to cause me panic and fear and terror! With my husband by my side praying for me and me praying like never before I am still here in Arizona..and planning after prayer to stay another year. I am taking things one day at a time but fear is like a thief come to steal in the night. God bless you for helping me address my fears and know that my decision to stay to stick it out despite fear is truly what God calls me to do.
I am joining for the book study this next week, and can’t wait. I have my copy in hand, and have been restraining myself (I am a book hound) so that I start with everyone else! 🙂 I love to read so much, I could probably get through this book way too fast!
I can’t wait to read it. I have been dealing with a lot of fear the past few years and I am thrilled to be able to come on board for this study!
God bless,
Hi Micca, I just want to say a very big thank you as your parcel arrived in the mail today! What wonderful timing too as I have taken the day off work to have some peaceful time with God after a counselling session this morning. And yes, faith and fear were two of the topics covered. Incidentally, I have Isaiah 41:10 printed out and stuck to my computer monitor at work as a reminder of how great our God is. Thank you again! Time to grab a snack and a cup of tea and read! Paula