“Hey mom. I’m exiting the interstate. I’ll be home in a few minutes.” The familiar sound of my son’s voice calling from his Bluetooth in the car, sparked excitement in my heart. A longing to see my child who had been away at college was about to be satisfied. I watched intently through the window until I saw his car coming down the winding country road that led him home. As he pulled into the driveway, I raced to meet him. Smiles stretched across both of our faces as we opened our arms for a welcome home hug.
“Leave your things in the car.” I instructed. “We’ll get them later. Right now, I just want to sit and visit with you.”
We spend time with those we love. We seek them out. We wait for them. And we serve them. This is called intimacy. It’s the kind of relationship Jesus longs to have with us. There is no better example of this kind of fellowship than the one God developed with Abraham. (Story found in Genesis 18)
Abraham was sitting under the shade of his tent during the hottest part of the day when it happened. Three figures appear out of nowhere standing nearby. Abraham jumps to his feet. His heart pounds; not with fear but with wonder. There is something familiar about these characters.
Recently, after thirteen years, the Lord had appeared to Abraham. Now, He had returned. Perhaps He came to encourage Abraham with the presence of His friendship.
Abraham races to meet them and bowing low he speaks, “If I have found favor in your eyes, my Lord, do not pass your servant by.” (Genesis 18:3) This was an invitation for the heavenly men to stay.
We can assume one of the figures was Christ incarnate before He put on flesh and entered our world as a babe in Bethlehem. The other two were angles. While no one has ever seen God, Abraham knew in his spirit this was the Lord and invited Him to stay.
Something about this scene caused me to pause and ponder the situation. Abraham wanted to Jesus to stay. He was eager to experience Him and all Jesus had to offer Abraham. Quickly, my mind filled with questions. What if the Lord came to my home? What would I do? Would I even recognize Him? Would I desire His presence and friendship? Would I respond to Jesus as I did with my son?
The bible explains that God is with us every moment of the day and night whether we recognize Him or not. Just think how it would change our lives if we looked for His presence and invited Him into our daily routines, times of adversity, heartache or blessing? We wouldn’t feel so alone.
The truth is we are not alone. God repeats in scripture, “Surely, I am will you always to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
Jesus demonstrated this reality when he left heaven and came down to be among us. What’s more amazing is He didn’t arrive for a short visit. He came to stay! Jesus indwells every Christian. “He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24b). And He reveals himself to those who desire to see Him.
Still, God only stays where He is wanted. Do you long for Jesus to come to your home? Would you recognize Him? Would you invite Him to stay?
How unfortunate it would be if Jesus passed you by? Instead, look up and invite Him into your day—into your circumstances. He’s waiting nearby.
Lord Jesus, do not pass me by. I desire an intimate, loving, on-going relationship with you. Give me eyes to see you in every area of my life. Develop a longing in my heart to be with you—to share in your life. I ask this in the Name of Jesus, amen.
Hi micca, right now I feel like God has forsaken me. I have lost my only best friend my husband the only person who understood me. He was my best friend. I have never felt so alone in my life. I just wish I could have that happy relationship with Jesus I had before my husband was killed. I ask myself daily if Jesus loved me why did He let my husband die why didn’t He save him. Why should I believe in Him when my life is such a huge mess
Sweet Jessica,
I’m so, so sorry for the loss of your husband. I know your pain because I’ve lost a spouse too. It may feel as if God has betrayed you but I assure you He hasn’t. He is right there with you.
Psalms 139 reminded me during my grief that there is no where I can go that God isn’t already there. In this same verse, it tells us God knows the number our of days before we live one of them. This means God didn’t take your husband. He simple knew the number of his days. And as for you, God still has a plan for your life.
He has promised you good out of this suffering. (Jere 29:11)
He has promised you a bright future. (Jere 29:11) Hang onto these promises.
From one who has gone through the fire to the other side, I can assure you that God loves you and you will make it to the other side too. I’m praying for you right now. May you experience God’s abiding presence, comfort, healing and love during this time of loss.