Yesterday, my devotional, The Day I Stopped Living for Jesus, ran on the Proverbs 31, Encouragement for Today devotions, sparked a lot of conversation. Some have written me personally asking me to explain how to live dependent on the Holy Spirit. I’d like to share with you a post I wrote to one dear woman. I hope it offers you more insight as well. Living dependent on God is the key to living the Christian life. It’s the life you’re looking for!
Dear friend,
I’d love to help you understand because depending on God’s strength day by day is liberating!
Jesus died for more than forgiving our sins and eternal life. He died to join His life with ours as we live here on Earth. How is His life joined to ours? Through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples He would send the Spirit to them after He returned to heaven. And He did just that. The role of the Holy Spirit is to work in us –teaching, guiding, empowering, comforting, etc… just as God worked through Jesus on Earth the Spirit works through us. “Apart from Him we can do nothing.” John 15:5 This is why living in our own strength by our own efforts is frustrating. It’s why we don’t experience change or intimacy with God. It’s all about relationship. The Holy Spirit leads. We obey. We experience God’s power, love and freedom.
Jesus knew that if we were to represent Him well, we would need something Divine. It’s not in our human nature to love our enemies, forgive those who have hurt us…. We can’t do these things apart from God, but God in us can when we rely on the grace of His strength.
In other words…
I can’t raise a rebellious child but God in me can.
I can’t forgive my friend who hurt me, but God in me can.
I can’t stay in my marriage, but God in me can.
Every day, I surrender my sin, my selfishness, my attitudes, my plans, my efforts to God. I use Galatians 2:20 as my guide. I pray this back to God.
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Once I empty myself, then I ask for the Holy Spirit (who already lives in me and you) to take control of my life today. I let Him lead. Doing so means, when I’m about to yell at my child, the Spirit will nudge me to resist. It’s usually that split second where my mind says, “stay cool.” At this point, I can either obey that nudge (leading of the Spirit) or I can be selfish and blow my top. If I choose (obey) resisting the temptation to get angry with my child, the Spirit’s empowers me with His strength to stay calm. The bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee.” James 4:7. As we resist, the Spirit infuses us with power to walk away whether we’re walking away from addiction, bitterness, adultery, whatever. This is what it means to “let go” and “let God” lead and empower our lives.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross and then leave us to do the best we can. No. He gave us Himself so that we could live an abundant, intimate, victorious life now! This is how the bible teaches us to live as Christians. It’s a day to day dependency on our heavenly Father. As we live this way, we become a display of God’s transforming power and His glory. Others notice and want to know our Jesus.
Oh, how the church needs a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit!
Yes, that is so true. I think we sometimes say, “Let go and let God” , but Lord fail to actually live it out! I know I quite often get caught in my circumstances, and then that is , unfortunately, when the devil gets his foot in the door. I have to constantly remind myself to not dwell on life’s issues, but gaze on the face of my Redeemer. Thank you, Micca for your daily deck and blog. It’s been very encouraging and enjoyable!
Thank you!!!!
I thought your P31 devotion was great, but this blog post is even better! Thank you! What a great way to start my day.
Thank you, Sue!