Hi Friends! I’m so glad you stopped by today. I’m giving away a copy of my friend, Suzie Eller’s newest release, The Spirit-Led Heart! If you’ve ever felt lost and alone in your circumstances Suzie has good news! You are never alone. God is with you AND He’s fighting for you.
I hope this except from her book encourages you today.
I stumbled to the airport bathroom stall and closed the door. I needed to be alone, and the bathroom was my only option. The call had come moments earlier. The one where my daughter told me that she had cancer.
A word I was all too familiar with.
Twenty-six years earlier this same beautiful daughter had climbed in my arms when I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. Back then, I faced cancer with faith. Yet somehow this felt different; I didn’t feel strong. I called a friend and asked her to pray. I was hundreds of miles away from home, and all I wanted was to get to my daughter.
I left the bathroom and strode toward my gate. As I did, my friend called back. “Suzie, I started to pray but felt God saying, ‘Suzie knows what to do.’”
And she was right.
I did know what to do. This wasn’t new territory. The fact that I didn’t feel strong didn’t make God any less powerful in this battle.
You are worth fighting for.
When we are in a battle, no matter what that looks like, we may feel crushed, bruised, or forsaken. We may feel helpless, or unsure of what to do. Thankfully, we are assured that we have a Helper who fights for us.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we out to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26
I didn’t know how to pray. I didn’t have a plan. I wasn’t big enough to make this go away, but God knew this mama’s heart.
Our Helper fights for us in our weakest moments. He strengthens you and me when there is no fight left in us. That is the moment we put on our boxing gloves. There will be down moments and down days; however, we have a Helper in the battle.
Are you in a battle?
When we are in a battle, we yield every area of that battle to the life-giving Spirit. Every doubt. Every wrinkle of fear. We can be honest on those days that we don’t feel equipped, but trust that God is the source of our strength.
When we do that, we aren’t trying to get more of the Holy Spirit. He already lives inside of us. Instead, we are giving him more of ourselves.
He sees our heart. He knows the plans the Father has in the midst of that battle. As we cry out for help, He hears that cry.
It’s been over a year since that phone call. The most powerful takeaway from this battle is it’s OK when you don’t feel strong enough, for that’s when we turn to the one who is in the boxing ring with us.
For we are worth fighting for.
To enter to win a copy of Suzie’s book, leave a comment below.
Suzanne (Suzie) Eller is a Proverbs 31 Ministries writer, a bestselling author, Bible teacher, speaker, former radio host, and popular blogger. Her newest book, The Spirit-Led Heart: Living a Life of Love and Faith Without Borders, has just been released. In this book, Suzie shares that we try to do big things for God in our own efforts and grit to see them through. Eventually though, we find ourselves sputtering along like an old car, a little empty and a lot uncertain about our faith and purpose. The promise Jesus made is that with the Helper, we will not be alone or ill-equipped.
You can find out more about Suzie or The Spirit-Led Heart by clicking here.
Download two chapters of The Spirit-Led Heart absolutely free
You can connect with Suzie on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SuzanneEllerP31.
What a powerful book!! Can’t wait to read it!
Sounds like it’s awesome!
Sounds like a book that is perfect for my season of life!
I need to get this book. So powerful !
Wow- LOVE this!!!
I am looking forward to reading this book.
Looking forward to getting to read this! Thank you for sharing!!
This post today speaks to my heart in many ways. I recently recieved news of my sister having breast cancer. Everything Suzie has shared here has ministered to my heart. I know the Holy Spirit is with my sister and our family as we walk with Jesus closely and face this battle together with Him.
Denise ♥️
Yes! He is. The Bible tells us Jesus is always close and always with us. I’m praying for your sister and family today.
I really need this book. I’ve been fighting battles for awhile now and I feel so weak and tired. I would love to win.
What a great reminder this morning! I sometimes try to fight my battles on my own, which doesn’t work out. What a wonderful assurance to know that God is always there fighting for us!
Thank you! Just the encouragement and reminder that I need today.
My husband is a pastor of a small church. We are constantly getting beat up. The enemy doesn’t want us to succeed. Most days, we feel like an army of two. The congregation doesn’t help out with much of the work around the church. I have many days when I feel defeated. I confess that I could use some help to learn how to tap into the Holy Spirit’s strength.
Dear Kerry, My heart goes out to you. Know that God sees the work you and your husband and doing. I’m praying He infuses you both with strength today.
Kerry, I grew up a PK so I know how you feel. Just know that what you do makes more of a difference to someone out there than you know. When God says the time is right, you’ll be rightfully recognized and rewarded. 🙂
Wow! What a great reminder of how powerful our God is and even when we feel weak, dismayed and confused about what to do, we can lay out our fears and uncertainty and just BE, while waiting for His plan to unfold! I would love to read this book!!
I’m in the midst of a battle and would like to have the book.
Love Suzie books. This one sounds like a library keeper..have to get it. Perfect for every situation. Thanks
Oh my word I would love love love to win this book!!!!!
This sounds like an awesome book that I could use during this time of my life. Struggling with anxiety and depression, but continuing to pray as I make my way out of this pit. Thank you ❤️❤️
This book excerpt is speaking to me so profoundly right now. My family and I are currently going through many trials, and today was a bad day for me. I locked myself in my room and just cried, cried out to God, how I can’t take another thing, it’s all too much. I know he is my Hope and Deliverer, and now my Healer. I prayed for something today to help me, and checked my email and saw this book. God is good, and He is good to me.
I found it awesome to hear that you were told by God that you know what to do. Many times I tend to doubt myself and sometimes convince myself I really don’t know what I’m doing. At this point is when I’m like “OK Holy Spirit, do you thing!” and start praying in tongues…..just me and God. He is so good!
This was encouraging. This is so me, always trying to do things in my strength. I need this book.
I am in the midst of many battles. Thank you for the reminder that Hod is in the ring with me.
One of my favorite authors!!
Love my book so far! Only have a few chapters left. Would love to get more copies for gifts.
God Bless!
Looks like an awesome, powerful book!! Looking forward to reading it!! Blessings! ♡
Looks like something I really really need right now.