Doing laundry. Raising well-adjusted kids. Building a good relationship with my husband. So often I feel as if everything depends on me. And honestly, I doubt my ability to get it all done and do it all well. But I try and try. You know the routine. Before long I find myself not only frustrated and worn but discouraged and saddened. Life does that to a person. It can steal our joy
When I feel as if everything is my responsibility, I’ve forgotten to acknowledge God’s presence and power.
What do you do when you need help?
Where do you look for help?
How do you find new joy?
When the psalmist lifted up his eyes to the hills and asked, “From where does my help come?” he answered, “My help comes from the Lord” — not from the hills, but from the God who made the hills.
This verse reminds me that God is a mighty over all the problems of life; big or small. God is a tireless worker. He is my tireless worker.
We are prone to think of ourselves as workers in God’s life. But the Bible wants us first to be amazed that God is a worker in our lives: Take a look at Isaiah 64:4, “From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts [or works] for those who wait for him”.
God never sleeps. He never takes a day off. He is working around the clock for you and me. The world doesn’t depend on us. We don’t have to be made of steel. Only trust and rely on God’s strength instead of our own.
God is so interested in working for us that he goes around looking for more work to do for people who will trust him: “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)Even Jesus told His disciples He came to serve not be served.
I feel a shift in my heart when I walk outside, look up at God’s creation and remind myself of His greatness. Suddenly, I’m convinced nothing is too hard for Him and hope rises.
If you find yourself overwhelmed and under-joyed, my friend Tracie Miles has written a book called, Love Life, Again. She helps readers find the stumbling blocks to joy and offers the tools you need to take control of your life and own your happiness.
Today I’m giving away a copy!! Leave a comment below and enter to win a chance of owning a copy of Tracie’s book.
Plus, join thousands of others in an online bible study of Love Life, Again at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies.
Take time to enjoy your life today.
So tomorrow I go back to work. I’m a teacher and the summer’s make me long to retire. I’m a middle school p.e. teacher and my job is so so so physical and I’m finding myself complaining more and more and how hard it is on my body than thinking about “going in the strength of the Lord” and being okay with how that looks. I really want this school year to be one where God is pleased with my thought process. I never let on with my students how miserable I am, but I know God has “judged my heart” and found me to be anything but pleasing! Thank you for this devotional today on the eve of my back to school!
I do believe, I see the wonders of this world. But it’s been so very hard since I lost dearest husband. Grief is something I don’t think l’ll ever come out of. I pray every day to go to him. Faith is my greatest friend – and I will try to hold tight, and not waver. I pray for strength.
I so enjoyed your devotion on proverbs 31 today! What a wonderful reminder that our work is what we make of it. Your dad’s story was such an inspiration and a potent reminder for me to be grateful for having a job instead of frustrated about it’s “imperfections.”
So thankful that that devotional led me to your site, as this spoke to me as well. I love way you tied in 2 Chronicles 16:9. What a perspective shift! It is true that on days I don’t have a specific task to complete I feel less fulfilled. No doubt God designed us for work—He appointed work to Adam and Eve *before* the fall, so we can be sure it has nothing to do with the fall, but rather His perfect design for us as humans.
I lay my burdens down at His feet – but then I take them back (its like, I want help (as if God needs my help) – I’m getting in the way, aren’t I?
I need to Trust and I need patience. Especially the “patience” as I do Trust Him – He is my all! Now, after reading your article (thank you), to find “joy” – I think I really need to develop patience (and, having said that – I can call on the Lord to help me with that)!
Thank you – just writing out my thoughts (another struggle) has helped me.
Blessings 💖
Thank you! Just when I wanted to give up, I read this! Life gets to feeling like nothing but unsatisfying work. My constant physical pain and migraines make it difficult. Quality of work sufffers. My work at home is always left undone. When I go into work with a complaining attitude, that doesn’t please God. I am giving this to Him now. I have a deep desire to love life again! I’m 44 and don’t remember the last time my attitude was good toward life.
I am working on having a positive attitude at work (I’m a teacher) and embracing God’s plan for me!
Thank you for today’s devotion. My dad worked in factories in Detroit. It took me back for a minute. I am tired of my job as a bus attendant. I must keep working for the insurance as my husband is disabled. Your post reminded me to work for the Lord and look for opportunities to let him love and touch through me. New eyes I guess is what you gave me today 👀
I too have recently lost my husband of 56 years. It all happened within 11 days and was definitely a shock to the family. He had been to so many doctors and had so many test why did they miss this? I’m having a hard time with this and never thought of what the widows or widowers must go through. I guess no one knows till they are there. God is my answer. He is the only one who can help me through this and I believe in him.
Your devotional was what I needed today. I have health issues and it is hard at times I tend to look back at what I use to be able to do, instead of doing what I can do.
I LOVED your devotional today. Thank you so much!! I have to work at my job even though it’s a holiday.
I really enjoyed today’s devotional. I have RA and work part time. I am very grateful for my job but sometimes when my RA flares it’s difficult to go to work so I just put myself first and stay home. I pray fo strength to put others before myself and show more appreciation for my job.
Great devotional for today! I am applying for a part time job tomorrow as I have been “retired” but feel the desire to work a little again. Your dad’s work attitude will be a reminder as I go back to work, to represent Jesus is everything I do. Thank you the timely reminder!!
God has been showing me He is my Joy giver. I can be a person who looks or fears when is the next bad thing going to hit. God is showing me I need to change that thinking, and instead look for the good and even exciting things to happen.
I needed to hear all this today! Thank you so much for the encouragement your writing gave and is giving😍
Great devotional today and I love the key verse! I have a difficult meeting tomorrow & I plan to read that verse right before I go in. Thanks!
I have been overwhelmed & joyless at times. Work is stressful, husband has a job where he is gone a lot so that means I’m mom & dad to my kids. Parents got divorced a few years ago. Trying to keep my eyes on Jesus. Thank you for this devotion.
Thank you for the devotion today and the chance to win a copy of your book. I definitely want to read it! God bless you and your ministry!
Thank you! A friend email me a passage because she knew we both were dreading going to work due to the negativity . I went to your website and it’s like you were speaking directly to me. It’s so hard to stay focus and not let things get you down . So thank you for the reminder that God is always with me.
I am the youngest in the family but I am the disciplinarian, check and balance, of our family since my father died. The death of my father has changed our lives. I have not been the same. I am more of a home buddy now. But, for me that is a great gift from God. This responsibility He has given me, for me, is a compliment.
Thank you for this devotion today – I read it while taking a break from packing boxes and preparing for a move to a new town in a new state. I am almost 60, single, and taking a leap of faith through a door (I am sure) the Lord opened to hospice nursing.
I have been praying for confidence in an unfamiliar town and new field for me, and to make friends… but mainly for the Lord to use me to be a blessing to patients and their families in my new job, and for Him to be honored in all my efforts. Your devotion just reminded me once again, of Whom I am truly “working for “…
Overwhelmed is an understatement. We are trying to find a place to live because our rental is being sold. It is proving to be a greater challenge than anticipated.
I would love to read this book. There are days when I feel like things won’t get done unless I do them. I don’t understand how other people can say, “not now” when I ask for help. It reminds me of Mary and Martha in the Bible. When I try to put things off, I feel lazy. When I try to do everything, I still feel unproductive. I definitely need an attitude adjustment and a new perspective! Thank you for this giveaway!
Overwhelmed and under-joyed are two words that describe my life right now. Thank you for the reminder that “my help comes from the Lord.”
Loving, Life Again, at 42, I have found the best gift God could bless me with, and that’s a Sober one! I have been in an extremely toxic marriage for years, and instead of turning to God for help, I used my own self will by taking pain pills, for many years. I took my self to rehab, never to look back, going through divorce now, and 6 months sober. When I surrendered my self will to God, I began to see such miracles. I could NOT be here today, doing life my way. Only God’s will allow me a bright future. Thank you for your website and devotions.
I am truly humble to this ministry.
God bless you all
Love the psalms. Indeed God is creator and he made everything that we might see Him. I needed this reminder as we wait for a reload in the semi this morning. I look forward to Tracies book and the Bible study. My book in mail…lol
Thank you for all you do. I would love a copy of the book. My girls and I are going through so much in so many areas of our lives.
God bless.
Sometimes its hard to find joy when your circumstances are weighing you down. Today’s devotional is a great are reminder of where our joy comes from. I would love to read this book.
Thank you for this today. I find myself overwhelmed and under-joyed. My daughter is applying to colleges and she’s so hard on herself and gets so anxious about testing and the whole process. I would love to win Tracie’s book.
It’s been a tough year. Our house flooded in January and we are still trying to deal with all that. My grandmother passed away in June and I changed jobs last month. I am very overwhelmed and frustrated with life at this moment. I would love this book to help me be reminded to live in the moment.
This is exactly what I need.
I plan events for a living so it’s hard to not feel overwhelmed trying to balance multiple projects for each event along with home life and getting different certifications. I feel exhausted all the time, but the one moment of my week that I absolutely love is spending time with my Sunday school kids. I want to have more moments like that – just pure joy no matter how tired I am.
Thank you so much for this- I wasn’t able to read until today, but it was something I really needed to hear. I’m trying so hard to get like my job again after disappointments- and love my life again-even though it isn’t the life I imagined. I love reading these devotionals as each day! May God Bless each one that shares what He places on their heart!! And I’d really love to read your new book &Tracie’s new book!
I would love to win this book! What you described is exactly how I feel. I’m sure my family would love it if I won too, because then hopefully I wouldn’t complain so much anymore and I would be happier.
Thank you for this post and others. It is a blessing. I love give always. Anyway I’m. Living. But not loving it. In a rut doing same old same. I have been trying to pull out. I will definitely have to read this book
Tracie Miles book, Love Life Again sounds so relevant and beneficial for me to read right now! It would be such a blessing to get a copy! Thank you so much for this great giveaway!
Joy is elusive in my life. Depression sucks it right out of my life. I believe in and love God with all my heart but I’ve never had joy in my life. I’m curious what gems this book holds.
Thank you so much for today’s blog. It was a wonderful reminder to me to keep my eyes focused on the Lord. I had heard that he works on behalf of those who wait for him but did not know where that first was. Thank you for giving me a verse to meditate on. I have been under extreme attack for about the last 2 months and your encouragement and hope are just what I needed. Thank you.
I am in the process of learning to love myself again after experiencing a traumatic event. This process has reminded me that the Lord loves me unconditionally. I’m His Valuable Daughter!