In spite of what we reveal on Facebook, most of us have less joyous days than we do melancholy days. Life seems to offer us a problem or challenge at every turn; leaving us pressured and disheartened. But the trouble isn’t the issue that causes our discouragement. It’s the unknown.
We ponder questions such as, “How will my problem be resolved? Will I conquer this challenge or will it defeat me?”
Oh, if God would only let us peek into the future. Know the outcome. Foresee that we’re going to be okay in the end. Then, maybe our circumstances wouldn’t be so ruthless. We could actually breathe a shy of relief.
The thing is life is a mystery. We’re not supposed to know the conclusion. If we knew everything, why would we need faith? Why would we need God?
Our assignment is to live by faith. To lean on God and trust Him with the outcome.
It’s in the suffering that God reveals Himself to us. We realize He is faithful.
The outcome isn’t really about whether we’re okay or not. It’s about a personal discovery of God in the process.
When the Israelites were trapped at the Red Sea with no way out, God provided a way. He pushed back the waters to show them He was on their side. He was their Deliver! A God who could be trusted.
When the vicious storm, hurling winds and crashing waves tossed the disciples boat, they feared for their lives. But Jesus stood and spoke to the storm on their behalf.
“Quiet! Be still!” And the wind died down and became completely calm.
Looking to His disciples, Jesus asks, “Where is your faith?”
He knew their faith was weak. So, Jesus utilized the incident to present Himself as trustworthy. All-powerful. Protector. And to declare His Majesty and Authority over all things.
The disciples, we’re told, were left amazed at Jesus. They didn’t say, “Whew! We’re alive!” No. They asked, “What kind of man is this that even the sea obeys Him?” It was a real faith-builder.
This is the end result God is after. That we would be utterly amazed by who He is and trust Him wholeheartedly.
Like the disciples, our faith may be weak. But the more we know Him the more we will trust Him. Our faith will replace the need to know the conclusion. We’ll realize God is for us and He’s got us. Nothing can touch us without going through Him first. And what trouble is bigger than our God? Absolutely none!
That kind of faith makes for a brighter, more joyous day and a deeper relationship with our God.
Perfect timing to read this. Thank you Micca!