Every day we live aware of the world around us. We’re aware of the pandemic. We recognize the lack of toilet paper and medical supplies. We’re mindful of sick and their loved ones. We are sensitive to hungry students, job loss and financial troubles.
All this awareness is causing stress and anxiety. What if we changed our focus and became more aware of God’s Presence? I believe our fear would flee and our panic would turn to peace.
What does it look like to live aware of God’s daily Presence?
Living aware of God’s Presence means He is in my daily thoughts.
I’m not talking about thinking of God every second of the day. It’s rather a conscious awareness of God’s Presence. He’s the first one we think of in times of great sadness and joy. We wake up acknowledging God is there. We talk to Him throughout the day and at night we fall asleep in his arms.
Acts 17:28 explains, “for in Him we live and move and exist.”
We are connected to God whether we are aware of it or not. But what a game changer when we acknowledge His Presence is with us.
Living Aware Means I Look to God for Help and Guidance.
God is never at a loss when it comes to His plan for our lives. He has promised to lead us through the valleys and across the mountain tops.
Ps 32: 8 says, “The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”
What security we have knowing God loves us, is with us, and is navigating us though life moment by moment.
Living Aware Means Trusting God to be My Faithful Friend.
God is the friend that stays when the whole world runs out on you.
Proverbs 18:24 encourages, “but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
God has a genuine love and concern for our good. He will never leave us to fight your own battles. Like a good friend, He’s got our backs.
Living Aware is Living in the Love of God.
Something shifts the moment we say, “God, I truly believe you love me.”
Living in God’s love casts out all fear. It causes us to draw close to Him and to trust Him with our present situation. God’s love helps us recognize His kindness towards us that otherwise can be hard to see for those having trouble believing in God’s love.
Jeremiah 33:3 confirms, “The LORD appeared to me in a faraway place and said, “I love you with an everlasting love. So, I will continue to show you my kindness.”
God has proven His love towards as “that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
We can trust a God who loves us and shows us His kindness.
Today, I’m choosing to live less aware of my circumstances and more aware of God’s Presence.
Micca, I love “Living Aware”.. It came at the right moment for me as the virus has frightened me so much and caused other health issues to surface ., Thank you for coming to my aid. Such truth and comfort.
Dear Jan, I’m happy to read that “Living Aware” brought comfort to you at this time of crisis. Keep the faith! This Bible tells us to keep our minds focused on God and He will give us peace. Blessings to you!