When I first saw the title “Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants” I wasn’t so sure I wanted my girl to be “magnetic”. She’s on a college campus! I don’t want her attracting the wrong attention.
That was before I started reading Lynn Cowell’s new book for young women, Magnetic: Becoming the Girl He Wants”. I began to understand the true meaning of Magnetic when I read this excerpt.
“How I wish I had known sooner that I was created to be loved perfectly and unconditionally, made to have my heart filled each and every day with love from the perfect Man – Jesus.
Then I could have spent my time, energy, and emotions, not on a guy I didn’t have, but on the One I did. I could have moved from obsessing over why I wasn’t wanted to becoming the type of girl a godly guy would want. Not just someone to date but someone he’d want to spend the rest of his life with.
I remember making the list, a gargantuan description of everything I was looking for in the guy I would marry one day. The more powerful list would have described the woman I wanted to become, the woman he couldn’t resist!
What would happen if you made the switch now? Shifted your focus off a guy and onto the Guy?
What if, together, we discovered an irresistible beauty deeper than designer clothes, jean sizes, and flaw-free skin? A confidence so attractive, nothing could cause us to lose it? A glamour simply magnetic?
In my quest to discover true beauty, I began to see gorgeous as much more than the face in my mirror. Gorgeous is not skin-deep but heart-deep, a beauty that develops as my heart discovers and returns True Love.
This beauty, this attractiveness, is found in the girl who has what I call “captivating characteristics”—what the Bible calls “the fruit of the Spirit.” These heart traits are described in Galatians 5:22–23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”
Now I can’t wait to give it to Peyton!
Today, I’ve asked Lynn to join me and answer a few questions that came to my mind as I was reading Magnetic.
Why is this age group so important to you?
Like me, I would guess if you could go back to your life when you were a young woman, you would teach yourself a thing or two! My heart is to invest in girls today, pour God’s truth into their hearts, helping them to make wise choices and change the trajectory of life many have already started.
You’ve just written a new book, Magnetic. What does it mean to be “magnetic?”
Magnetic: a young woman who has switch her focus from what this world calls “beautiful” to God’s definition which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
3.) How can a young women become “magnetic” in a world that calls her to simply fit in?
I think it begins with making a choice; pre-deciding she will choose to reach her fullest potential. She can do that when she partners with God to be best version of herself He made her to be.
4.) I’ve noticed girls base their identity on whether or not they have a boyfriend. Is this true?
Unfortunately, our culture teaches all women “Guy + Me = Valuable”. It is true – the Guy is Jesus. Jesus + Me = Unconditional Love
5.) Where should a girl’s identity come from?
We need to build our identity not on someone, someplace or something – we can loose all of those things. We need to build our identity and confidence on the One we can never loose – Jesus! (Graphic on blogger site)
6.) Why is important for girls to chase after God instead of a boy? (Graphic on blogger site)
Do you remember how unpredictable a boy can be? When a girl basis her joy and happiness on that boy, she never knows what she’ll get. God is the same yesterday, today and forever! Secure and stable.
7.) How can a young woman break free from all the girl drama that dictates who she is and what she needs?
Recognize that much of drama has it’s foundation in jealousy and insecurity. If she builds her life on God’s truth, she doesn’t need to be a part of girl drama to “fit in”. She’s already in!