My devotion for our country is rooted in family tradition. Every 4th of July, we cook out, swim in my parent’s pool, and then headed to the park to watch the fireworks. This tradition continues today with our own children. We go all out by dressing in red, white and blue. But that’s not all. We celebrate our freedom all year long.
My dad has always had a large flag whipping in the wind in our back yard. His parasitism had a great influence on my life.
Today, Old Glory flies in my backyard too. It’s a special flag because my dad and my son dug the hole together, poured the cement, and planted the flag together. There’s just something grand about watching her fly. Our flag gives me a since of peace and security. Yet, I fear. I fear we’re losing devotion for our country. I worry that our freedom is on the decline. That’s why I believe that patriotism starts with the Gospel.
Evangelism Explosion, a ministry organization, recently had this to say about our freedom.
“Across America, we celebrate July 4 as our nation’s birthday, and what a blessed country we live in! But it’s easy to take our freedom for granted. We forget that in more sensitive areas of the world people do not enjoy a simple right such as freedom of speech. Even in the states, we see that freedom eroding.
School officials at a high school graduation ceremony turned the microphone off when the valedictorian thanked God for “sending His only Son to die for me and the rest of the world.” The student did the only thing he could do—he kept talking.
The best way to insure our freedom is to share the Gospel. By grace through faith, Christ broke the chains of our imprisonment to sin and death. His work is our freedom. Share that message boldly.”
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” —John 8:32
Let’s not forget the sacrifice that men and women made for our freedom. And let’s not forgive the sacrifice made by our Savior for our spiritual freedom.
Happy 4th of July!