It’s no Joke! Today is double the fun day! I’m giving away a one year subscription to P31 Woman AND you can still enter to win An Untroubled Heart! I’ll announce ALL WINNERS on Monday! Be sure to check back!
If you like practical, yet inspiring, information about being a woman, then you’ll LOVE our magazine called, P31 Woman. In fact, my husband even reads it. He also dog-ears the articles he thinks I need to read in order to improve my womanhood.
Yes, I let him get away with it as long as I can give him some helpful advice as well.
We have a wonderful team of women who creatively work together each month to make P31 Woman the wonderful magazine that it is. Glynnis is our editor. You probably know her. If you don’t, you’re missing out! Stop by her blog today. You’ll be glad you did.
Then, there is Carol. She works on the colors and layout. Carol is very creative. She not only works on the P31 Woman team, but she creates bio’s and blogs for speakers. You’ll want to check that out too!
April’s issue feature’s our Japanese exchange student, Hitomi, Peyton, my daughter, and myself. The article is about how parents can support their child’s dream. Plus, I think you’ll enjoy reading about our adventure with Hitomi. She has not only become a family member, but she has brought our family closer together. Hosting a student from another country has been one of the best decisions my husband and I have ever made for our family. To read my article featured in the April issue, click here.
If you’d love to be the winner of a one year subscription to P31 Woman, leave a commit and then stop by on Monday for the winner!
Micca, thank you for this oppurtunity to win, I’m now been delivered from the spirit of fear. I would love to read your book, I believe that it woud be of great courage to me. I pray that I win. May God bless you. Carolyn
I absolutely love P31! I get the daily email and God has really used it to speak to me! I love what you ladies are doing 🙂 I would Love to read the magazine, so it would be awesome if I won 🙂
I’ve just recently discovered your Proverbs 31 website and I love it! I’ve enjoyed reading the daily devotions and going back into th archives and reading those from before. I too have dealt with the unexpected death of a husband and young son….no one really understands the fear that moves in and takes over your life. Thank you for your insights and your wonderful ministry to women.
I would love to win the one year subscription of the Proverbs 31 Women’s Magazine. I subscribe to each one of the P31 Women’s blogs and have enjoyed getting to know all of you. You all have helped me in many ways with my spiritual growth these last few years.
I would love to win a one-year subscription to Proverbs 31 ministries magazine. Not only would the articles bless me, but also it would bless others when I share the magazines with them.
One day I hope to write for the magazine. Reading it every day would be inspiring!
SHALOM Beloved sisters, strong women in the Lord. Thanks FATHER GOD for your helpful Ministry. I would appreciate greatly to win a one-year subscription of P31 magazine because I will be deeply enriched with this wonderful vision of teaching us the different way how to love our being women from GOD´s biblical perspective.
To read all this material will be a way of rewing our mind from all the cultural mentality with GOD´s word perspective. Also, as a leader of a Women´s group in a church in Mexico City will be enriching other women´s with your special experiences and perspectives. Abundant Blessings from above to all of you.
I would love to win the magazine subscription! (Your book is great, too – I have it and love it.) I used to receive the magazines and don’t right now, and I really miss them.
You guys or gals have such a great ministry. I really enjoy your articles and books. My daughter in Minnesota enjoys you also and I have a daughter in Olathe. I hope to pass the word about your ministry to help those rejoicing and hurting in the Lord. Yours in Christ Warts and All
Your “Encouragement for Today” from 3/31/11 really spoke to me. I am in a season of my life where I find myself at a crossroads and have been praying about what God would have me do. The scripture references were perfect, and so I went to my Bible to highlight them, and coincidentally, they were already highlighted! I want to go deeper in my relationship with God, and it would be a blessing to receive the resources you are offering. God bless you and P31 Ministries!
I would love to win the subscription to P31. I am in a bible study with girls following Wendy Pope’s chronological study and we would gladly share such a wonderful gift.
Although I subscribed to Encouragement for today over 5 years ago or so, however I came across your link about 2 weeks ago and I was touched by “Micca’s story” such that I subscribed to your website immediately, since then I have always looked forward to the next message from Micca. I was blessed by the write up on fear, this is has a huge impact on my life and its robbing me of my joy. I look forward to winning one year’s subscription to Proverbs 31 ministries maganzine, no doubt it will encourage me in my walk in the Lord as a woman which I am currently finding extremely challenging. Thanks
Praise God for all of the special women he has put at our “finger tips” The ministry has blessed me so often. I look forward to getting my emails from Proverbs 31 ministries! I just can’t get enough of the articles, blogs, and books that are available. Thank you for blessing the hearts of so many and sharing the outrageous and unending love of our Heavenly Father.
Blessings to you!
Susan Veneziale
Ephesians 3:20
I enjoy reading the magazine every month and would love to bless another woman with a 1 year subscription. The article about you and your family was wonderful!!
Your blog is beautiful and so is your soul. Thank you for sharing your heart with God’s daughters in such an authentic way.
I have read some articles from P31 online and found them to be really encouraging. I actually recently submitted an article to be considered for publication; praying for God’s will to be done. I do know that having access to the magazine in its entirety would strengthen my writing skills so that I can share the encouragement and hope I have found in Jesus with others either through P31 or whatever other medium God desires to use.
Praising God for your generous heart; I know that He will use your generosity to speak very specifically and intently into the heart of the one who receives the subscription.
I have met you and several amazing P31 leaders at the Hearts at Home conferences. Thank you for this great work you all do for Him! Proverbs 31 magazine is a great encouragement to women to be all they can be, as God has designed us!
I would love to recv. a subscription to p31! I am at a most wonderful time in my life. I have 4 great kids, the youngest of whom started kindergarden this year. I have a great hubby who has been very supportive of my trying to begin a writing career from home with my new “free time”. Of course, free time is a loose description there! My ministry is to wives and moms and helping them make that most important relationship with Christ their center. Thanks again for the great opportunity, I’ll be back to read more any way it goes!
In Him,
I would love to win a subscription! I’m new to Proverbs 31 Ministries and I have never read this magazine before!!! I’d love to see what I’ve been missing out on! I’d love to read your book too. 😉 Blessings!
Hi Mica, I attend Wendy Pope’s Bible Study on line and she mentioned your ministry to us today. I was introduced to PS31 at a MOPS convention that Lysa spoke at and have counted on your support and encouragement ever since.
I love to see how this ministry has grown and continues to grow and change womens lives.
I Love magazines! I would love a one year subscription to P31 Woman!
When I get a magazine in the mail, it makes me speed through my chores with gusto as I have a reward at the end! When I’m done, I pour myself a glass of Sweet Tea, get a comfy spot in my “readin” chair, pull my 3-1/2 pound Yorkie named Toto up onto my lap and escape in my mini retreat with my new magazine! How wonderful it would be if it were filled with beautiful Godly and Spiritual encouragement from my newfound favorite Bloggers of Proverbs 31 Ministry! I would LOVE to win this subscription!
I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to get the magazine or the book! The P31 website and the blogs are a blessing! It’s good to have Christian women friends to share experiences with and y’all are friends, even tho’ we’ve never met!
As I strive to grow stronger in Christ and in His love, I know that your book and the magazine would help me on my journey. Your teachings and stories have blessed me in ways that you will never know.
– would love to get the magazine the wbsite has really filled me with words and grace
Micca you are a blessing your words, thoughts just by putting them public. You are helping thousands and saving millions!
Thank u and may god bless u richely!
I would love to win a subscription for my mother. She was recently led to the Lord through her battle with breast cancer, and is eager to learn all she can. At our last visit I gave her a well worn copy of P31 Woman from 2008 that was second hand to me and she loved it (so did I!). All her resources are my hand-me-downs since her income is limted and she has no computer. To win would be a wonderful blessing for her. Thank you for the entry!
Just started reading the word with Wendy Pope. This magazine would be GREAT for my hubby to read about the P31 stories and women I talk about on a daily basis.
I attended the Proverbs Ministries conference about 5 years ago and you were my small group leader. I would love the Proverbs 31 magazine. I’m taking a huge step of faith in my life right now and could use some encouragement. Thank you.
Micca, thank you so much for the opportunity to win the subscription to P31 Magazine. I started the online Read Thru the Bible with Wendy Pope this January and this has helped me so much in my walk with Lord. I have to be honest, I was one that very seldom read the Bible, found it just to hard to understand but with Wendy’s help and the other women in the study, but most importantly God’s help, His word is becoming alive to me. I have drawn so much closer to Him and can’t wait to get back the next day to learn something new. I would certainly appreciate the subscription!
It would truly be a blessing to get this subscription to the magazine. I constantly go to the grocery store and see all the other magazines there and wondered if there was anything out there for me…that wasn’t full of all the sex stories etc
And then I learned about Proverbs 31! Would love to read this!
As a mom with a busy family and a business owner with many team members, I know this magazine could be a blessing for me and my team. Finding a balance is not an easy thing to do!
I have been a P31 fan for years now… so count me in… I’ve actually never received the magazine…so I would love to get hooked!!!
Thanks to all the ladies who stand on the truth of God’s Word at P31 Ministries & for all the encouragement to women today to be true women of God… not perfect…not like everyone else…just the best woman God has for ME to be!
I read the P31 blog daily. I would love to win the P31 magazine subscription for a year. That would be wonderful. I enjoy all the different writers and each perspective.
I would be great to be fed in such a wonderful way! Our family was also blessed by hosting a student from another land. She was from Thailand and we went through 9/11 together.
I would LOVE to receive the subscription! I am unemployed, and my only income is Food Stamps. Yet I still spend time counseling women online and by phone, and am writing an online Bible Study for Women, starting with Who I Am In Christ. With the onset of spring, I will be starting a garden, plus cleaning and organizing my uncle’s house and outbuilding, which hold I don’t KNOW how many years of hoarding from him and his late wife! I could use some help on how to balance my life. I can’t seem to figure out how to do it on my own!
I just heard about this magazine for the 1st time! We’ve started a new church in our small rural MN town and this looks like a wonderful resource for bringing women together! Count me in please!
I would LOVE to win a 1-yr subscription to the p31 magazine! I receive everyone’s posts and blogs and it has blessed my life enormously! I’ve been sharing them with my friends and on my fb page. I pray for your ministry and all the ladies constantly and ask God to bless the ministry and your families…
Thank you all for what you do!
OOO – I’ve been wanting a subscription to Proverbs31 Magazine! Love this ministry – it always encourages my heart to read the articles and follow the speaker blogs. Thanks for having such a great giveaway!
We had a Japanese exchange student last summer, and LOVED it! She definitely became part of the family very quickly. It was a wonderful experience all around for our family. I would love to read your article! I do not currently get the Proverbs 31 Woman magazine. Blessings!!
I would love to win the magazine subscription! And, actually, I probably need my husband to dog-ear a few pages for me – I need those reminders sometimes to work not just on the things that affect my relationship with God, but the things that affect/strengthen my relationship with my family as well!
I would love to win a subscription to P31. As a Thirty-One Gifts Independent Consultant I am really implimenting P31 in my Christian walk. This is a wonderful giveaway! 🙂 Thank you so much.
Now that Today’s Christian Woman is no longer available — boo-hoo — I would love to get a subscription to the Proverbs 31 magazine. Anxious to read it, then share it with others. Even if I don’t win, I will probably buy it anyway. I need a spiritual uplift at the end of the day sometimes, and a “home” magazine just doesn’t always do it!! Blessings to you all! You are truly used of the Lord to touch the lives of many women!!
I would love to have a 1 year subscription for the P31 magazine. I love your devotionals and would love to see what the magazine had to offer. Thank you so much, and I pray that God will continue to bless your ministry.
Hi Micca, Thanks for this great opportunity! I would love to win the subscription as it really would bless my heart and help me grow in my relationship with the Lord. It would also prepare me for when I get married and have children. Hope you choose me! Thanks, love Nicola x
Y’all are doing amazing things with P31 and I’m crossing my fingers and folding my hands hoping to win! Keep up the good work, I pray for this ministry all the time!
I need all the help I can get. Unfortunately, I have not been totally on the right page in my Christian walk. I am currently finding my way back to the where I need to be. I find it difficult sometimes to understand Jesus and to relate what is really going on. I live a simple life and I wonder why a lot and also when is it my turn. I know that they are not the right thoughts always.
I think it would be very good for me to have such a great magazine to read to hopefully relate and understand the deeper meaning of my Christian walk and to also to understand why Jesus loves me.
Thank you so much for doing this! I have not subscribed to it before, but I am always trying to be that proverbs 31 woman and even though I might fail at times, I know God is right there to help guide me back on the path. Thanks!
I would love to win a one year subscription. I have looked at our local Christian book store and they do not carry it. I would love to be inspired by a magazine, instead of reading one that has useless impact on my life. Thank you so much for this chance to win. I love Proverbs 31 website and it helps me so much with my walk with God.
I would love a subscription to P31 Woman! I so enjoy the website, the devotionals, and I visit a lot of the blogs there regularly too (I have some of them delivered to my email). I know that the magazine would bless me and my family tremendously! Thank you for offering this chance to win!
I would love to get a subscription to your magaizine. I have been reading a Proverbs verse everyday for the month of March. It has been awesome. God bless you and your ministry. Thank you for all you do!!!
Not only would I love to win this, I need to:) I am a 27 yr old wife and mother of 4. I am a stay at home mom. I love and cherish my family so much. God is important to our family, but we need to make him the #1 focus in our lives. I have not bee such a Godly young woman in the past. God has been working on and in me and my life. I am so thankful for what he has done for me and continues to do. I have been asking God to change my heart and make me a virtuous woman. I worry about raising my kids right. I am learning to trust God and know that he will take care of my kids. I recieve P31 e-mails daily and they are such an awesome blessing for me. I save all of them to refer back to. I just can’t explain how much it would mean for me to have the year subscription. I know God could use this to bring me closer to him. It makes my heart swell with joy to think of the Godly woman I can and will be in a years time.
Also, I would like to add that when I was 17 we had an exchange student from Japan. We lost touch with her a while after she went back home. I miss her and love her dearly. She will always have a place in my heart.
Thank you for all that you ladies do.
Thank you for your incouraging words and wisdom.
Thank God for all that he has given me.
I would love a subscription to the P31 magazine. Each morning, I look forward to the P31 devotion and it is such a blessing to me. Thank you and the ministry for all you do.
I’d love to receive a subscription to P31 Woman! An extra dose of godly encouragement is just what the Great Physician has ordered for me! Plus, my hubby and I love to read the same magazines when they have good instruction. 🙂
I came to this site this morning to find out how to get a 1-yr subscription and here your are giving me a chance to win. Can’t wait to read every issue.
I try to read Encouragement Today daily and pass along those that really speak to my heart for the moment’s need. Your 3/30/11 devotional was an answer to prayer that morning when fear was at my door. For some reason, I know it was God’s hand, I received the exact message in the 3/31/11 mailing the next morning when fear hand overwhelmed me again. PLT am not there again today. I’ve learned to trust Him and His Word. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you and your experiences and talents to encourage women (and men, I forward them to my husband) in their walk daily. It would be an added blessing to receive P31 Magazine.
Your devotional was sent to me by my sister. I had never heard of P31 before. My husband had just learned that the place where he works was going to be announcing they were closing and our daughter learned that she is facing surgery next week for a tumour on her ovary. What an encouragement the devotional, “Fearing the Unknown” on March 30th was to me. A great reminder of God in control. Thanks. I’d love to be included in the double giveaway today.
Looking forward to reading your article once it is up for April. I am amazed at how the Lord continues to direct my path as I walk with Him! One day I hope to write an article for P31 Magazine…you are all such a blessing! May the Lord bless you a whole bunch. 🙂 Penny
I’d love to be included in the drawing to win the P31 Mag. I read the devotions daily & would like to have a subscription to the magazine. I look forward to the She Speaks conference this year. It will be my first time.
Ironically, I was just looking at the P31 magazine the other day wishing I could justify the purchase in my budget. How timely and what an awesome opportunity. I’d love to receive the P31 magazine, and not just one? but the whole year…..what a blessing!
Oooh, thanks to Wendy (Pope) for the tip!! The ministry of P31 is amazing and I would love to read and share the mag!! Thank you so much for the offer!!
I would love to win a subscription. I’ve just recently become aware of 31 ministries & the magazine & am touched by it already. I would also love to get the book, and I have a family member that I think really needs to read it as well.
I would love to win the 1-yr subscription to P31 Women. I ready the emails daily and it has been such an encouragement to me. This will really blessed 2 women. Thank you for all of the hard work you do. I pray that God would bless you abundantly in ways that you can not even imagine.
Ann, You’re still in the drawing, but to purchase P31 Woman go to On the left hand side of the page, click on P31 Woman Magazine. You can subscribe their for a donation of $15.00. Thank you for your interest! Blessings, Micca
I get the P31 daily devotional & tell my friends & family that I feel that God is sending me email every day! It has changed my life & my spiritual walk! It would be a blessing to receive the free subscription. I need something I can leave in my truck and pull out to share with others! This ministry is a great blessing in my life and would love to share it in print! Thank you for the oppurtunity to share what God is doing thru P31!
I am learning more about your ministry through Facebook. It has been a blessing to me and would like to know more. It would be great to win a subscription. Praying for your ministry!
Thank you for sharing the oppertunity with us to win a years subscription to P31! It is exciting how God will work by using P31! I know that it touches so many lives. It touches mine so often. I enjoy my daily devotions that they send out. God is so good!
I would love the chance to get the magazine. We are on a tight budget right now with 5 kids and medical bills so can’t subscribe but am very interested. I struggle in my spiritual walk and this would be great for me to read and also my 15 year old daughter. Thanks so much for this opportunity!!
I would LOVE to win this subscription!!!! Didn’t even know that P31 had a magazine! But I love reading the devotionals every day – they really help me get through the day. I pass them along all the time!!!!!
Thank you for all you do! Blessings abounding!
Amy from Florida
I had the pleasure of hearing you in Douglas, Georgia at a womens banquet. Your story was amazing and opened my heart to grow more, spiritually. The host for my table blessed me with your book. To top off the evening I was also among the lucky to have you autograph my copy. Since that night I have followed the Proverbs 31 blog and look forward to the daily devotionals. A subscription to your magazine would indeed be an awesome gift. Thanks to God for women like you that openly share thier pain, trials and blessings! Keep up the great work!
Delia Garrett
I would love to win, went to the women’s conference and had such a wonderful time. I love the Proverbs 31 ministry, it inspires me everyday and gives me a nugget of God’s word to take with me a use through out the day. Thank you for all you do.
Oh I am SO EXCITED! I know I would TRULY ENJOY reading each and everyone. Thank you Ladies for all you do. When I am in pain or having a hard day- reading each of your blogs and devotionals really helps. Thank you for sharing Gods word in so many wonderful ways. I Love you all. May God bless each of you in all you do. With Love and Prayers, Shawnia. Phil.4:13
Me, me!! Pick me please!! 🙂
I want to win!!
WINNING!!! Haha!!
May God continue to bless you!!
I am thanking the Lord in advance!!!
Thank you Jesus!!
And thank you Proverbs 31 Ministries!!!
I Love reading your articles and stories. It has been an inspiration to me and lifted me up many times. I pray someday I can afford to buy your book, I would love to enter though to win a subscription. God bless you on your journey to bless others.
I would love to win the subscription or your book. I have enjoyed reading everything on your website and love to learn and read anything that can help me with my walk with God. I have had many struggles and just reading your about me was so uplifting for me. Thank you for all you do.
It would be a true gift from God to get this! I went to a conference that featured Proverbs 31 Speaker Suzanne Eller. I desperately wanted to get a subscription however, we just can’t spare the extra money! I know God knows the desires of my heart and he has lead me here! Isn’t God awesome! May God bless you today and always!!
I would love a subscription! I think that it would help me be a better steward of God, wife to my husand, and witness to other people! I think that it’s very easy to lose track of your purpose. If you faithfully attend church, have bible studies, and have a subscription to a P31 Woman magazine it would help keep that focus!!
I love the P31 Woman Magazine and daily email devotions. They have been a great blessing in my life as relationships all around me are falling apart because God is not put first. It is so easy in this day and age to look at other women around me who are struggling and say “I’m not so bad.” However, as soon as I pick up the bible or read one of your devotions I am brought low because I still have so far to go in my own spiritual growth and in my selfishness, I don’t always put God first either. Thank you for your ministry to women and I pray that it will continue to grow in the years to come.
I enjoy getting “Encouragement for Today” in my e-mail. I’m a fan of P31 on FaceBook, and love reading the blogs. I would love a free subscription to the magazine. I’m currently unemployed, so my funds are tight, and this is is a wonderful offer. Our God is good, ALL THE TIME…:)
This would be more than a treat!! I still own 2 copies of my P31 that I received as a gift for helping an event you guys hosted in Houston. Its about 2 years old but it works!
John 16:24 says…”Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete.” Well, I’m asking because I think my ladies study group would receive joy and encouragement if I could share these resources with them. I lead a study group and the ladies have fallen in love with Lysa Terkheurst and Proverbs 31. God Bless.
Thank you for a chance to win this subscription!! I have considered many times subscribing and for whatever reason have yet to do it – but this would be a super way to get started 🙂
I would love to win a subscription…with this economy I’ve cut out subscriptions. I have never even read the magazine but I do enjoy everyones blog and the P31 website!
I would love to win the subscription! I have recently found Proverbs 31 ministry and am following Wendy’s daily Bible video series. All of the women affiliated to this ministry are incredible. I crave the daily inspiration that you all provide! I am currently facing a difficult time in my life and desperately need the encouragement of other women and the assurances I am finding in His Word, and the comforting presence of God, the Father.
I would love to win a subscription it would not only benefit myself but also my sister we love to get together and discuss all the nuggets of joy we have heard or read about during the week. Right now I need all the positive words I can use. Thank you so much for being on facebook.
I receive the Proverbs 31 emails everday and love them. They at times seem to be hand picked for me that day…thats the way our Lord works though now isn’t it. Have heard about the magazine, but would love to receive it myself. Keep up the awesome work with Proverbs 31 ministries.
I would love to win this Give-Away. Love your blog you bless all of us immensely.
Will check back on Monday. Whoever wins will be blessed and I rejoice in that.
I stumbled across P31 website about 2 yrs ago and loved it. I never knew they had a magazine! WOW! I am praying I win this prize.
Thank you for offering it.
Thank you for the opportunity to win the magazine subscription! I found out about Proverbs 31 a few months ago and have been extremely blessed with everything I have learned so far! I have been a Christian for a few years, but I’ve never had any women around me to get wisdom from, I recently got married and wanted to learn how to be a Godly woman and wife. Since finding all of the Proverbs 31 ladies I can definitely say it’s an answer to my prayers!!
I can’t tell you the difference that P31 has made in my daily life! I asked God for a resource to help me as a semi-new mom (4 yr old & 11/2 yr old), and I promise that day I heard a little message on my local christian radio, looked you up and now I can’t wait to get to my in-box every day to see what God is going to show me!
Awesome article. I lost my dad at age 7 and have always been touched by the loss of losing someone. My mom is in her 80’s and has dementia but still remembers her kids and always wants them around. Not sure when she’ll leave this old world but will remember and have Hope. God Bless and thank God for pets !!
Love Proverbs 31! Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been following all the girls in this ministry for awhile. Sooo many talented writers you have. Would love to win the magazine..blessings
As I go forward with bible studies from Proverbs 31 women, I am amazed by their openness? and faith. I would love to have a subscription to the magazine. Thank you, Micca, for a chance.
Susan in Atlanta
You may not realize it, but your post says leave a COMMIT to enter for the magazine. That is truely what it is! Committing to be a godly woman! I want to renew my mind daily with God’s word and a Godly magazine! In 2 days, will be our 1st Sunday Pastoring our new church. Lord knows I need all the help I can get!
Dear Micca,
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your book and a subscription to ps31 magazine. I heard about proverbs31 on a local Christian radio station last fall. At that time. I had been going through a difficult season in my life being a single mother of 4 and going through a very difficult separation and divorce from my husband who had been mentally and physically abusive to me. The daily emails of devotionals I began to receive from proverbs31 were a miracle. Each and every day the devotionals and scripture references I believe were a gift from God. By the way I don’t know how I even got subscribed. I know know that it was God. In a few short months I began attending a prayer group and learned to pray. I read the bible every day and talk to God. My life has totally turned around. My kids and I just moved out of our 600 square ft run down apartment to a 1500 square foot practically brand new home for about the same rent. God has totally changed my life and I wanted You to know that proverbs31 has helped me grow closer to God. I pray that whoever wins these gifts will be blessed by them.
Thank you and God bless.
Micca, I have sooooo wanted to check out P31 Magazine. I just financially haven’t been able to subscribe. Please keep me in mind. Thanks for the opportunity & God Bless =)
I would love to receive this magazine. I often times have wondered the ideal proverbs 31 woman I can be. I am sure that this magazine will show so many women in who are and how unique they are. It is such a blessing to be able to have a chance at seeing what the proverbs 31 magazine is like as well. Have a blessed day all!!
ps also would love to win a copy of your book Micca. I’ve tried to purchase at our local Christian bookstore, but they don’t carry it. I’ve thought of ordering it, but it I won it that would be even better.
I would love to win either the free l year subscription or the book The untroubled heart, I have some fears but am presently overcoming through God’s mercy and grace. But I would love to win! Take care and may God bless you. Carol
I love the P31 website! I love the reassurance it delivers to me as I read your posts. Thank you for this opportunity to win a year’s subscription to your magazine!
What a blessing you are to be offering a subscription to another deserving Christian woman! I enjoy following your blog and that of the other P31 ladies. I’m hoping to be able to start a subscription to the magazine as soon as I find a job here in Richmond, VA!
I love the website and all of the speakers and writers that I have been introduced to through Proverbs 31. Would love to read your book and the magazine would be such a treat. Thank you for encouraging others in the faith. Blessings 🙂
If I were to win the subscription to P31 Magazine or your book, I wouldn’t be the only winner. I would be able to share it with my daughters, who would then share it with their friends, who would then share it at their Bible studies and in their dorms. The sharing would be “paid forward” and an unnumbered amount of people would have an opportunity to share in the blessings!
I am so HUNGRY to deepen my relationship with the Lord! I have a strong desire to help women over come society’s influence over their state of well being in relation to their body image.
Micca, Thanks for your devotional “Fear of the Unknown”! My family and I are facing some unknowns right now. You’re devo really gave me encouragement. I also wanted to share that I recently was delivered from my fear of driving. God has given me victory over that. He is a good God! I would love to read your book and see what other insights you have to offer.
I would be so thankful to win the magazine I recently met a girl at our community pool who introduce me to the Daily Devotions which I subscribed to and I am so blessed to get that, it sure helps with my daily life and walk with the Lord. May the Lord pour out many blessings to you for all the blessings you have gien to so many others. Ruthie
Hi Micca. I’m new here and I’ve never seen P31 Woman. I’d love to be entered for a chance to win the subscription and your book. I’ve been craving the Lords presence lately and have felt him in my life. I’m so grateful for the blogs I’ve come across and the number of women I’ve meet that have a love for Christ.
Hugs…Tracy 🙂
P.S. I’d love to have you stop over and visit my blog too.
What a great giveaway – encouragement and edification throughout the year… And I just think God would orchestrate the arrival of the magazine, with God-ordained articles, for the days and times I need them most.
The Holy Spirit is leading me to buy this book for my friend Debbie. She is very fearful about the future of her health and I believe this would help her. Thanks for your wonderful devotionals! God bless you.
I have just recently discovered the PS31 website. I am a single mom going through a job change, and your site has encouraged me in incredible ways through this journey. I would love to win the one year subscription!
Praise God for your ministry Micca! Thank you for sharing your life experiences and the ways God works through you and all of us. As a single mom I am currently facing many challenges, but my faith in God is what carries me through each day. I look forward to reading your books as I am absorbing as much as I can to find more and more strength to know and grow with God.
Many blessings to you Micca!
Micca, I have your book and 1/3 of the way into it and it is so touching… But I would love to have the magazine coming to me also!!!! Have wanted to order, but funds are low for now….Thanks for the opportunity!!
Cindy M~TN
I popped over from Wendy’s Walkin Thru The Word today and want to say Thank You for offering this encouragement to all of us who are trying to live our best life through our Lord! I have been truly best to be a part of Walk thru the Word and now to come across your site is another blessing I will add to my favorites bar;)
I am leaving this comment, because I think God absolutely wants to deliver me from fear. It’s been in our family toooooo long. He’s been working on my heart for 6 years now specifically with fear, and is continuing to root it out. Thank you, Lord!! Whomever he gives this gift to, will be exactly whom he wants to read it!! I’m so glad you wrote this book to encourage others to live a life of faith, not fear! “FEAR NOT, for I have REDEEMED you. YOU are MINE.” I pray God continues to bless this ministry and all the women involved!
Oh, I would LOVE to win the subscription. I recently became aquainted with Proverbs 31 and have joined the INS Bible Study. What a wonderful ministry you ladies have! Thank you from an ole sinner like me!!!!
I am just getting started in Women’s Ministry and can’t get my hands on enough material on women. I would LOVE to win this and look forward to seeing God grow me!! 🙂
I enjoy reading the daily devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries. It is such a blessing & encouragement to me. I would love to win the magazine subscription! Thank you for the opportunity and may God continue to bless this ministry! 🙂
We are all so grateful to have women like you, Micca! You are inspiring those of us to be the women God has created us to be. Thank you for allowing God to work through you! Blessings!
I am so excited that you are giving away a chance to WIN a subscription to the P31 Magazine. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I just love all of the ladies blogs with Proverbs 31 Ministry. You ladies keep up the GREAT work. I pray that the Lord will keep blessing your ministry.
I’ve subscribed to the daily devotional emails for almost a year now and there are days when I am amazed at how the writing speaks to me and is exactly what I needed to hear. God knows what we need, when we need it, and how we will hear it!
Thank you for the chance to win a subscription to P31 Woman.
Dear Ms. Campbell, I read your article on fear, the one you told about losing your husband, and the Lord used it to help in calming the storm in my heart. (Well maybe to reduce it, I am still working on trusting Him for the calmness:) My son has just been released from rehab and I am so scared for him. As you talked of the scripture of knowing the days allotted for your husband and what was in store for him, I thought about my own doubts about the addiction that came into my son’s life (although the choice was his) and why God didn’t stop it before it happened. The False evidence appearing real was just what I needed to hear. God does love us and wants what is best. How could he send Heaven’s Best and not love us unconditionally thereafter? I would love to have a subscription to your magazine.
I would LOVE to have a years subscription to Proverbs 31….I find all these blogs so inspiring and would love to be able to see the finished product all in one place.
Please enter me in the contest.
Its my birthday, hoping this can be my yearlong gift. I know what it is to struggle with fear, but I also know what immerse strength and deliverance God gives when we call to Him in our fearful times.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a year’s subscription to P31 magazine. I teach in a middle school and find my peace and release in reading and writing. What better soul treat than to read the articles in the P31 magzine, and to receive a gift that gives all year. Blessings to you!!
At this time, financially, I am unable to afford a subscription. However, I know my walk with the Lord would be super ignited via this tool. Please prayerfully consider me for this giveaway. Blessings.
What a blessing you are giving some very fortunate woman! Of course I hope it is me, but if not, I know it will bless another and I’m excited about that as well. Thank you for being a servant of The Lord.
Hi Micca your message is awesome. I truly appreciate each of your articles and the depth of your faith. I continue this walk of faith with your inspiration and encouragement. Thank you and God Bless, Linda
Love your book Micca and your devotions are always SO encouraging!
Many prayers for you and your Family. Thank you for being a such a
blessing to all of us ! Aimee
Thank you for the opportunity.
I was introduced to P31 about a year ago, it’s been a joy getting to know some of the ladies through their blogs.
An amazing journey of courage and strength.
Thank you. I would love to read the magazine.
Micca, thank you for this oppurtunity to win, I’m now been delivered from the spirit of fear. I would love to read your book, I believe that it woud be of great courage to me. I pray that I win. May God bless you. Carolyn
Thank you very much for an opportunity to win. I would very much love to win! May God continue to bless you as you are such a blessing to others.
I absolutely love P31! I get the daily email and God has really used it to speak to me! I love what you ladies are doing 🙂 I would Love to read the magazine, so it would be awesome if I won 🙂
I’ve just recently discovered your Proverbs 31 website and I love it! I’ve enjoyed reading the daily devotions and going back into th archives and reading those from before. I too have dealt with the unexpected death of a husband and young son….no one really understands the fear that moves in and takes over your life. Thank you for your insights and your wonderful ministry to women.
Thank you for your ministry & encouraging words
I would love to win the one year subscription of the Proverbs 31 Women’s Magazine. I subscribe to each one of the P31 Women’s blogs and have enjoyed getting to know all of you. You all have helped me in many ways with my spiritual growth these last few years.
I would love to win a one-year subscription to Proverbs 31 ministries magazine. Not only would the articles bless me, but also it would bless others when I share the magazines with them.
One day I hope to write for the magazine. Reading it every day would be inspiring!
SHALOM Beloved sisters, strong women in the Lord. Thanks FATHER GOD for your helpful Ministry. I would appreciate greatly to win a one-year subscription of P31 magazine because I will be deeply enriched with this wonderful vision of teaching us the different way how to love our being women from GOD´s biblical perspective.
To read all this material will be a way of rewing our mind from all the cultural mentality with GOD´s word perspective. Also, as a leader of a Women´s group in a church in Mexico City will be enriching other women´s with your special experiences and perspectives. Abundant Blessings from above to all of you.
I would love to win the magazine subscription! (Your book is great, too – I have it and love it.) I used to receive the magazines and don’t right now, and I really miss them.
You guys or gals have such a great ministry. I really enjoy your articles and books. My daughter in Minnesota enjoys you also and I have a daughter in Olathe. I hope to pass the word about your ministry to help those rejoicing and hurting in the Lord. Yours in Christ Warts and All
Your “Encouragement for Today” from 3/31/11 really spoke to me. I am in a season of my life where I find myself at a crossroads and have been praying about what God would have me do. The scripture references were perfect, and so I went to my Bible to highlight them, and coincidentally, they were already highlighted! I want to go deeper in my relationship with God, and it would be a blessing to receive the resources you are offering. God bless you and P31 Ministries!
I am looking forward to reading your blog. I would love to receive the magazine. Blessings, logistics
I would love to win a year subscription..and would alos love to read your book. Thank you for the opportunity! Have a great day!
I would love to win the subscription to P31. I am in a bible study with girls following Wendy Pope’s chronological study and we would gladly share such a wonderful gift.
I would love to win the subscription to P31 magazine. It looks amazing. Thank you! Have a great weekend.
Thank you Micca for this wonderful opportunity!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. 🙂
Although I subscribed to Encouragement for today over 5 years ago or so, however I came across your link about 2 weeks ago and I was touched by “Micca’s story” such that I subscribed to your website immediately, since then I have always looked forward to the next message from Micca. I was blessed by the write up on fear, this is has a huge impact on my life and its robbing me of my joy. I look forward to winning one year’s subscription to Proverbs 31 ministries maganzine, no doubt it will encourage me in my walk in the Lord as a woman which I am currently finding extremely challenging. Thanks
I really would love to receive the magazine. I love ready the daily devotionals from all you wonderful ladies. Thank you!
Would love to win subscription as well! Thank you for the opportunity and have a blessed day!:)
Praise God for all of the special women he has put at our “finger tips” The ministry has blessed me so often. I look forward to getting my emails from Proverbs 31 ministries! I just can’t get enough of the articles, blogs, and books that are available. Thank you for blessing the hearts of so many and sharing the outrageous and unending love of our Heavenly Father.
Blessings to you!
Susan Veneziale
Ephesians 3:20
Thank you for this chance to win a subscription to P31 magazine. I know I would enjoy reading it, then passing it on to a friend.
Blessings to you.
I enjoy reading the magazine every month and would love to bless another woman with a 1 year subscription. The article about you and your family was wonderful!!
God Bless Proverbs 31 ministries!
Love all the P31 team! Thanks for the chance to win!
I too would love to be in the drawing for the magazine. I love the inspring articles from truly God-centered women. Thank you!
I’d love the P31 Woman magazine subscription!!
Your blog is beautiful and so is your soul. Thank you for sharing your heart with God’s daughters in such an authentic way.
I have read some articles from P31 online and found them to be really encouraging. I actually recently submitted an article to be considered for publication; praying for God’s will to be done. I do know that having access to the magazine in its entirety would strengthen my writing skills so that I can share the encouragement and hope I have found in Jesus with others either through P31 or whatever other medium God desires to use.
Praising God for your generous heart; I know that He will use your generosity to speak very specifically and intently into the heart of the one who receives the subscription.
Love and blessings.
Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for the opportunity to win! Happy April 1st!
I have met you and several amazing P31 leaders at the Hearts at Home conferences. Thank you for this great work you all do for Him! Proverbs 31 magazine is a great encouragement to women to be all they can be, as God has designed us!
Would love to receive this subscription! Thanks for doing the give-a-way!
I would also like to win!!
I love you postings on FaceBook. Thank you very much, keep up the good work. Vickijo
I would love to recv. a subscription to p31! I am at a most wonderful time in my life. I have 4 great kids, the youngest of whom started kindergarden this year. I have a great hubby who has been very supportive of my trying to begin a writing career from home with my new “free time”. Of course, free time is a loose description there! My ministry is to wives and moms and helping them make that most important relationship with Christ their center. Thanks again for the great opportunity, I’ll be back to read more any way it goes!
In Him,
I would love to win a subscription! I’m new to Proverbs 31 Ministries and I have never read this magazine before!!! I’d love to see what I’ve been missing out on! I’d love to read your book too. 😉 Blessings!
Hi Mica, I attend Wendy Pope’s Bible Study on line and she mentioned your ministry to us today. I was introduced to PS31 at a MOPS convention that Lysa spoke at and have counted on your support and encouragement ever since.
I love to see how this ministry has grown and continues to grow and change womens lives.
I would love to win the magazine subscription!
I didn’t know that P31 had a magazine! How awesome! Thanks for the wonderful giveaways 🙂
I Love magazines! I would love a one year subscription to P31 Woman!
When I get a magazine in the mail, it makes me speed through my chores with gusto as I have a reward at the end! When I’m done, I pour myself a glass of Sweet Tea, get a comfy spot in my “readin” chair, pull my 3-1/2 pound Yorkie named Toto up onto my lap and escape in my mini retreat with my new magazine! How wonderful it would be if it were filled with beautiful Godly and Spiritual encouragement from my newfound favorite Bloggers of Proverbs 31 Ministry! I would LOVE to win this subscription!
Thanks! I would love to get the P31 subscription!
Your website gives me so much hope and inspiration. Thanks and may God bless you.
I very much appreciate this opportunity to win a subscription to this magazine. Thanks so much!
I wanna win! 😉 P.S. I just finished your book and loved it!!!
Sounds great! Since I love and enjoy all the articles on the website, I know the magazine would be equally as wonderful.
God bless you!
Love your book! I always keep it handy to share with others. I would love to get the magazine as well.
I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to get the magazine or the book! The P31 website and the blogs are a blessing! It’s good to have Christian women friends to share experiences with and y’all are friends, even tho’ we’ve never met!
It has been such a blessing discovering your blog. You always give me hope and inspiration.
As I strive to grow stronger in Christ and in His love, I know that your book and the magazine would help me on my journey. Your teachings and stories have blessed me in ways that you will never know.
– would love to get the magazine the wbsite has really filled me with words and grace
Micca you are a blessing your words, thoughts just by putting them public. You are helping thousands and saving millions!
Thank u and may god bless u richely!
Hi Micca! I was blessed by reading your book! Thank you for sharing your life with everyone! I hope to win the subscription! 🙂
I had a subscription and it ran out. I love the P31 magazine!!!
Missed you all Tuesday! See you next week, Brandee
I would love to win a subscription for my mother. She was recently led to the Lord through her battle with breast cancer, and is eager to learn all she can. At our last visit I gave her a well worn copy of P31 Woman from 2008 that was second hand to me and she loved it (so did I!). All her resources are my hand-me-downs since her income is limted and she has no computer. To win would be a wonderful blessing for her. Thank you for the entry!
I have a hunger to read a solid Christian publication for women. I have a husband and two sons so I would really enjoy something femine.
I am so thankful that I have found the Proverbs 31 site – I would love to have win a subscription to the magazine.
I love all the Psalm 31 women and their blogs are always so encouraging. Thanks for the chance to win the magazine!
I cherish my time in the mornings reading the Proverbs 31 devotions and some of your blogs I’ve discovered along the way.
Just started reading the word with Wendy Pope. This magazine would be GREAT for my hubby to read about the P31 stories and women I talk about on a daily basis.
Thanks…HOPE I WIN. 🙂
Hi Micca,
I attended the Proverbs Ministries conference about 5 years ago and you were my small group leader. I would love the Proverbs 31 magazine. I’m taking a huge step of faith in my life right now and could use some encouragement. Thank you.
I would love to receive the magazine. I have many of the P31 women blogs bookmarked and love reading them. Definitely a blessing.
What a wonderful blessing this would be! Thank you for the oppportunity!
Micca, thank you so much for the opportunity to win the subscription to P31 Magazine. I started the online Read Thru the Bible with Wendy Pope this January and this has helped me so much in my walk with Lord. I have to be honest, I was one that very seldom read the Bible, found it just to hard to understand but with Wendy’s help and the other women in the study, but most importantly God’s help, His word is becoming alive to me. I have drawn so much closer to Him and can’t wait to get back the next day to learn something new. I would certainly appreciate the subscription!
Thanks to you and all the women at P31!
It would truly be a blessing to get this subscription to the magazine. I constantly go to the grocery store and see all the other magazines there and wondered if there was anything out there for me…that wasn’t full of all the sex stories etc
And then I learned about Proverbs 31! Would love to read this!
Count me in. I received the March issue, but am convinced I need it year round.
I’d love to win. I could really use that extra encouragement and boost right now.
I would LOVE this magazine! Thank you!
Wonderful give-away, I’d be honored to receive this!
I would also like to win a subscription to P31. God bless you and the work you do!
As a mom with a busy family and a business owner with many team members, I know this magazine could be a blessing for me and my team. Finding a balance is not an easy thing to do!
I would love to win! I work with hurting women, in prison or just released so I could use the magazine in my ministry.
What a generous gift. I would love to get P31 in my mailbox. Thanks for the change.
PS – the book looks like a great read too.
I have been a P31 fan for years now… so count me in… I’ve actually never received the magazine…so I would love to get hooked!!!
Thanks to all the ladies who stand on the truth of God’s Word at P31 Ministries & for all the encouragement to women today to be true women of God… not perfect…not like everyone else…just the best woman God has for ME to be!
I read the P31 blog daily. I would love to win the P31 magazine subscription for a year. That would be wonderful. I enjoy all the different writers and each perspective.
I’ve never seen this magazine…but, I bet I would love it!!
I would love to win a subscription to P31 Woman! Thanks so much for offering this great giveaway! 🙂
Wow… I’d love to read both the magazine and the book!!!! Pick me! Pick me!
I would be great to be fed in such a wonderful way! Our family was also blessed by hosting a student from another land. She was from Thailand and we went through 9/11 together.
This subscription would be a blessing in my life which I would share
I need all the blessings I can get!! Have a great day!
It would be neat to read this magazine I have never seen it before.
I would LOVE to receive the subscription! I am unemployed, and my only income is Food Stamps. Yet I still spend time counseling women online and by phone, and am writing an online Bible Study for Women, starting with Who I Am In Christ. With the onset of spring, I will be starting a garden, plus cleaning and organizing my uncle’s house and outbuilding, which hold I don’t KNOW how many years of hoarding from him and his late wife! I could use some help on how to balance my life. I can’t seem to figure out how to do it on my own!
I just heard about this magazine for the 1st time! We’ve started a new church in our small rural MN town and this looks like a wonderful resource for bringing women together! Count me in please!
I would LOVE to win a 1-yr subscription to the p31 magazine! I receive everyone’s posts and blogs and it has blessed my life enormously! I’ve been sharing them with my friends and on my fb page. I pray for your ministry and all the ladies constantly and ask God to bless the ministry and your families…
Thank you all for what you do!
Sounds beyond awesome,count me in,and thank you for the opportunity =)
I’d love to have a subscription, I’m just now following Proverbs31org on twitter…love what I see so far & would love more…thanks
Wow, what a great offer! I would love to be in the running for a free year’s subscription. Good luck everyone!!!
I am new to Proverbs 31. Having just found out about it on Wednesday I am already hooked! Thank you for the words of encouragement and inspiration!!
OOO – I’ve been wanting a subscription to Proverbs31 Magazine! Love this ministry – it always encourages my heart to read the articles and follow the speaker blogs. Thanks for having such a great giveaway!
We had a Japanese exchange student last summer, and LOVED it! She definitely became part of the family very quickly. It was a wonderful experience all around for our family. I would love to read your article! I do not currently get the Proverbs 31 Woman magazine. Blessings!!
I would love to win the magazine subscription! And, actually, I probably need my husband to dog-ear a few pages for me – I need those reminders sometimes to work not just on the things that affect my relationship with God, but the things that affect/strengthen my relationship with my family as well!
Enter me to win the year subscription please
Hi Micca,
Loved the article, could really use a little hope in my life right now that only God can provide. Your article was a real blessing.
I had never heard of P31 before, but would love to receive it! This introduction to the magazine was a blessing! Thank you!
I would love to win this subscription! Being a true Proverbs 31 woman seems so far out of reach some days!
I would love to win a subscription!
I’d LOVE to win!!!
How generous! I’d love to win the magazine subscription. I’m fairly new to the P31 movement but I do enjoy the site and learn so much. Thank you!
I would love the one year subscription and can pass it along to my church library!!
Thanks for P31!!!
I would LOVE to win a subscription to this magazine! Thanks!
I would LOVE a subscription! You all are so encouraging!!
I would love to win a subscription to P31. As a Thirty-One Gifts Independent Consultant I am really implimenting P31 in my Christian walk. This is a wonderful giveaway! 🙂 Thank you so much.
Now that Today’s Christian Woman is no longer available — boo-hoo — I would love to get a subscription to the Proverbs 31 magazine. Anxious to read it, then share it with others. Even if I don’t win, I will probably buy it anyway. I need a spiritual uplift at the end of the day sometimes, and a “home” magazine just doesn’t always do it!! Blessings to you all! You are truly used of the Lord to touch the lives of many women!!
I would love to have a 1 year subscription for the P31 magazine. I love your devotionals and would love to see what the magazine had to offer. Thank you so much, and I pray that God will continue to bless your ministry.
Hi Micca, Thanks for this great opportunity! I would love to win the subscription as it really would bless my heart and help me grow in my relationship with the Lord. It would also prepare me for when I get married and have children. Hope you choose me! Thanks, love Nicola x
Y’all are doing amazing things with P31 and I’m crossing my fingers and folding my hands hoping to win! Keep up the good work, I pray for this ministry all the time!
I need all the help I can get. Unfortunately, I have not been totally on the right page in my Christian walk. I am currently finding my way back to the where I need to be. I find it difficult sometimes to understand Jesus and to relate what is really going on. I live a simple life and I wonder why a lot and also when is it my turn. I know that they are not the right thoughts always.
I think it would be very good for me to have such a great magazine to read to hopefully relate and understand the deeper meaning of my Christian walk and to also to understand why Jesus loves me.
Have a blessed day!!
I’ve just discovered Proverbs 31 and dove right in with Made to Crave and Melissa’s online Bible Study! I would LOVE to win this prize!! Thanks!
Thank you so much for doing this! I have not subscribed to it before, but I am always trying to be that proverbs 31 woman and even though I might fail at times, I know God is right there to help guide me back on the path. Thanks!
I would love to win a one year subscription. I have looked at our local Christian book store and they do not carry it. I would love to be inspired by a magazine, instead of reading one that has useless impact on my life. Thank you so much for this chance to win. I love Proverbs 31 website and it helps me so much with my walk with God.
I would love a subscription to P31 Woman! I so enjoy the website, the devotionals, and I visit a lot of the blogs there regularly too (I have some of them delivered to my email). I know that the magazine would bless me and my family tremendously! Thank you for offering this chance to win!
I would love to win this! I have been struggling in my faith lately and this would be such a wonderful source of inspration!
Hi! I would love a 1 year subscription to P31 magazine. What a blessing. Thank you so much for the offer.
I would love to get a subscription to your magaizine. I have been reading a Proverbs verse everyday for the month of March. It has been awesome. God bless you and your ministry. Thank you for all you do!!!
Not only would I love to win this, I need to:) I am a 27 yr old wife and mother of 4. I am a stay at home mom. I love and cherish my family so much. God is important to our family, but we need to make him the #1 focus in our lives. I have not bee such a Godly young woman in the past. God has been working on and in me and my life. I am so thankful for what he has done for me and continues to do. I have been asking God to change my heart and make me a virtuous woman. I worry about raising my kids right. I am learning to trust God and know that he will take care of my kids. I recieve P31 e-mails daily and they are such an awesome blessing for me. I save all of them to refer back to. I just can’t explain how much it would mean for me to have the year subscription. I know God could use this to bring me closer to him. It makes my heart swell with joy to think of the Godly woman I can and will be in a years time.
Also, I would like to add that when I was 17 we had an exchange student from Japan. We lost touch with her a while after she went back home. I miss her and love her dearly. She will always have a place in my heart.
Thank you for all that you ladies do.
Thank you for your incouraging words and wisdom.
Thank God for all that he has given me.
I would love a subscription to the P31 magazine. Each morning, I look forward to the P31 devotion and it is such a blessing to me. Thank you and the ministry for all you do.
I would love to get this magazine!!!
I would love to win! Thank you for your heart!
Blessings, Julie
That would be such a blessing to win a free subscription.
Thank you for your desired to share God’s word with others.
I’d love to receive a subscription to P31 Woman! An extra dose of godly encouragement is just what the Great Physician has ordered for me! Plus, my hubby and I love to read the same magazines when they have good instruction. 🙂
I am grateful for your ministry. Hope I get to win! Blessing to you!
Thank you for offering a free subscription 🙂
In need of spiritual nourishnent.
I came to this site this morning to find out how to get a 1-yr subscription and here your are giving me a chance to win. Can’t wait to read every issue.
I try to read Encouragement Today daily and pass along those that really speak to my heart for the moment’s need. Your 3/30/11 devotional was an answer to prayer that morning when fear was at my door. For some reason, I know it was God’s hand, I received the exact message in the 3/31/11 mailing the next morning when fear hand overwhelmed me again. PLT am not there again today. I’ve learned to trust Him and His Word. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you and your experiences and talents to encourage women (and men, I forward them to my husband) in their walk daily. It would be an added blessing to receive P31 Magazine.
Peace and blessings
Your devotional was sent to me by my sister. I had never heard of P31 before. My husband had just learned that the place where he works was going to be announcing they were closing and our daughter learned that she is facing surgery next week for a tumour on her ovary. What an encouragement the devotional, “Fearing the Unknown” on March 30th was to me. A great reminder of God in control. Thanks. I’d love to be included in the double giveaway today.
Looking forward to reading your article once it is up for April. I am amazed at how the Lord continues to direct my path as I walk with Him! One day I hope to write an article for P31 Magazine…you are all such a blessing! May the Lord bless you a whole bunch. 🙂 Penny
I’d love to be included in the drawing to win the P31 Mag. I read the devotions daily & would like to have a subscription to the magazine. I look forward to the She Speaks conference this year. It will be my first time.
Ironically, I was just looking at the P31 magazine the other day wishing I could justify the purchase in my budget. How timely and what an awesome opportunity. I’d love to receive the P31 magazine, and not just one? but the whole year…..what a blessing!
I twould be a blessing to win the 1-yr subscription. Thank you for making it possible for someone to benefit in such a wonderful way.
Oooh, thanks to Wendy (Pope) for the tip!! The ministry of P31 is amazing and I would love to read and share the mag!! Thank you so much for the offer!!
I would love to win a subscription. I’ve just recently become aware of 31 ministries & the magazine & am touched by it already. I would also love to get the book, and I have a family member that I think really needs to read it as well.
Would love to have a subscription to this magazine.
I would love to be in the drawing too. Thank you!
I have never seen this magazine! Sounds great!
I would love to win the 1-yr subscription to P31 Women. I ready the emails daily and it has been such an encouragement to me. This will really blessed 2 women. Thank you for all of the hard work you do. I pray that God would bless you abundantly in ways that you can not even imagine.
Count me in the draws. I would love to win your book or the subscription to P31 Magazine.
Would be SOOOO STOKED to win this! I LOVE P31 MINISTRIES, and love the fact you all put out this magazine!
Just what I need 🙂
I am fairly new to Proverbs 31 introduced through Wendy Pope’s reading through God’s Word. Would love to recieve the magazine.
Would love to get the magazine. How do I subscribe for myself, my daughter, and daughter-in-law? More than willing to pay for spiritual growth.
Ann, You’re still in the drawing, but to purchase P31 Woman go to On the left hand side of the page, click on P31 Woman Magazine. You can subscribe their for a donation of $15.00. Thank you for your interest! Blessings, Micca
I would love to win both the magazine subscription and the book!! thanks
Would love to recieve encouragement through this magazine.
I get the P31 daily devotional & tell my friends & family that I feel that God is sending me email every day! It has changed my life & my spiritual walk! It would be a blessing to receive the free subscription. I need something I can leave in my truck and pull out to share with others! This ministry is a great blessing in my life and would love to share it in print! Thank you for the oppurtunity to share what God is doing thru P31!
God bless you,
Angela from Texas
Very inspirational magazine. It always lifts my spirits :0)
Best~ Dawn
I am learning more about your ministry through Facebook. It has been a blessing to me and would like to know more. It would be great to win a subscription. Praying for your ministry!
Thank you for sharing the oppertunity with us to win a years subscription to P31! It is exciting how God will work by using P31! I know that it touches so many lives. It touches mine so often. I enjoy my daily devotions that they send out. God is so good!
I would love the chance to get the magazine. We are on a tight budget right now with 5 kids and medical bills so can’t subscribe but am very interested. I struggle in my spiritual walk and this would be great for me to read and also my 15 year old daughter. Thanks so much for this opportunity!!
Carolyn Powell
I would LOVE to win this subscription!!!! Didn’t even know that P31 had a magazine! But I love reading the devotionals every day – they really help me get through the day. I pass them along all the time!!!!!
Thank you for all you do! Blessings abounding!
Amy from Florida
I would LOVE to read this!
I would love to win the P31 magazines! It is a great ministry and I am always encouraged by the emails and blogs.
I would love to win the subscription.. the e-mails are so hopeful and uplifting everyday, If the magazine is just 1/2 as good I would love it.
I would love to win a 1 year subscription to P31 Magazine and a copy of your book.
I had the pleasure of hearing you in Douglas, Georgia at a womens banquet. Your story was amazing and opened my heart to grow more, spiritually. The host for my table blessed me with your book. To top off the evening I was also among the lucky to have you autograph my copy. Since that night I have followed the Proverbs 31 blog and look forward to the daily devotionals. A subscription to your magazine would indeed be an awesome gift. Thanks to God for women like you that openly share thier pain, trials and blessings! Keep up the great work!
Delia Garrett
Thanks Wendy for sending me here! I would love to win this!!
Thank you for offering this give away!
I’d love to win the P31 magazine subscription! I’ve grown to love & respect all you P31 gals over the years and I’ve learned a lot from you.
I so enjoy the P31 devotional every day and would love to win the magazine subscription for a year.
I would love to win, went to the women’s conference and had such a wonderful time. I love the Proverbs 31 ministry, it inspires me everyday and gives me a nugget of God’s word to take with me a use through out the day. Thank you for all you do.
Oh I am SO EXCITED! I know I would TRULY ENJOY reading each and everyone. Thank you Ladies for all you do. When I am in pain or having a hard day- reading each of your blogs and devotionals really helps. Thank you for sharing Gods word in so many wonderful ways. I Love you all. May God bless each of you in all you do. With Love and Prayers, Shawnia. Phil.4:13
Me, me!! Pick me please!! 🙂
I want to win!!
WINNING!!! Haha!!
May God continue to bless you!!
I am thanking the Lord in advance!!!
Thank you Jesus!!
And thank you Proverbs 31 Ministries!!!
I would love to win the subscription to the magazine. Thanks so much for making this available.
I would love to win the subscription. I enjoy all of the women’s blogs each day, you all have widsom and insight that brings laughter & tears.
Keep going!!
Christine Mc
Thanks for offering this! I would love to get this magazine 🙂
Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God
Please pick me! love all the P31 women’s blogs….
I have been blessed by the daily devotionals that you send me each day. I would love to win the magazine subscription! ~B
I would love to win this!! Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I Love reading your articles and stories. It has been an inspiration to me and lifted me up many times. I pray someday I can afford to buy your book, I would love to enter though to win a subscription. God bless you on your journey to bless others.
I subscribe to the P31 daily email devotions. I love them! I would love to have a subscription to the magazine too!
I would love to read the magazine. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I would LOVE to read this magazine.
I would love to win the subscription or your book. I have enjoyed reading everything on your website and love to learn and read anything that can help me with my walk with God. I have had many struggles and just reading your about me was so uplifting for me. Thank you for all you do.
Would love to win a subscription. Look forward to getting the post from Proverbs 31 Ministries, each day on Facebook.
What a great picture. I would love to win this!
i would absolutely love to win a subscription. The devotionals have been such a blessing to me!!!!!!!!!!!
In His Love
I would love to read the magazine
It would be a true gift from God to get this! I went to a conference that featured Proverbs 31 Speaker Suzanne Eller. I desperately wanted to get a subscription however, we just can’t spare the extra money! I know God knows the desires of my heart and he has lead me here! Isn’t God awesome! May God bless you today and always!!
I would love a subscription! I think that it would help me be a better steward of God, wife to my husand, and witness to other people! I think that it’s very easy to lose track of your purpose. If you faithfully attend church, have bible studies, and have a subscription to a P31 Woman magazine it would help keep that focus!!
I would LOVE to win a subsciption to the magazine!!!! I also LOVE the P31 ministry. Thanks for sharing your lives and God’s word.
I love the P31 Woman Magazine and daily email devotions. They have been a great blessing in my life as relationships all around me are falling apart because God is not put first. It is so easy in this day and age to look at other women around me who are struggling and say “I’m not so bad.” However, as soon as I pick up the bible or read one of your devotions I am brought low because I still have so far to go in my own spiritual growth and in my selfishness, I don’t always put God first either. Thank you for your ministry to women and I pray that it will continue to grow in the years to come.
God bless you!
I enjoy getting “Encouragement for Today” in my e-mail. I’m a fan of P31 on FaceBook, and love reading the blogs. I would love a free subscription to the magazine. I’m currently unemployed, so my funds are tight, and this is is a wonderful offer. Our God is good, ALL THE TIME…:)
I would love to win. Have a great day. 🙂
This would be more than a treat!! I still own 2 copies of my P31 that I received as a gift for helping an event you guys hosted in Houston. Its about 2 years old but it works!
Thanks for offering the give-away. I would love to read your magazine and have the opportunity to get to know all the P31 gals more intimately.
John 16:24 says…”Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete.” Well, I’m asking because I think my ladies study group would receive joy and encouragement if I could share these resources with them. I lead a study group and the ladies have fallen in love with Lysa Terkheurst and Proverbs 31. God Bless.
I’ll be buying a subscription even if I don’t win….although that’d be pretty cool…the magazine looks totally awesome!
Always an inspiration thank you!
Thank you for a chance to win this subscription!! I have considered many times subscribing and for whatever reason have yet to do it – but this would be a super way to get started 🙂
I would love to win a subscription…with this economy I’ve cut out subscriptions. I have never even read the magazine but I do enjoy everyones blog and the P31 website!
How cool! In a stack of magazines about how to get skinnier, richer and happier (temporarily) this magazine would be a welcome change!!
I would love to win the subscription! I have recently found Proverbs 31 ministry and am following Wendy’s daily Bible video series. All of the women affiliated to this ministry are incredible. I crave the daily inspiration that you all provide! I am currently facing a difficult time in my life and desperately need the encouragement of other women and the assurances I am finding in His Word, and the comforting presence of God, the Father.
How exciting! I would love to win a P31 Woman magazine subscription. Thank you for the opportunity and your generousity.
I would love to win a subscription it would not only benefit myself but also my sister we love to get together and discuss all the nuggets of joy we have heard or read about during the week. Right now I need all the positive words I can use. Thank you so much for being on facebook.
I receive the Proverbs 31 emails everday and love them. They at times seem to be hand picked for me that day…thats the way our Lord works though now isn’t it. Have heard about the magazine, but would love to receive it myself. Keep up the awesome work with Proverbs 31 ministries.
Hi Micca,
I would love to win this Give-Away. Love your blog you bless all of us immensely.
Will check back on Monday. Whoever wins will be blessed and I rejoice in that.
Maria Valencia
I would love to win the subscription!! I enjoy so many of the authors and bloggers thoughts at P31.
I would LOVE a chance at this…thank you for offering it.
Dear Micca,
Thanks for the opportunity to win 🙂
I’d like to enter the giveaway. Sure could use some encouragement…
I stumbled across P31 website about 2 yrs ago and loved it. I never knew they had a magazine! WOW! I am praying I win this prize.
Thank you for offering it.
We have been doing a bible study in Sunday School on the Proverbs 31 Woman. I would love to win a 1 year subscription!
Thank you–I really enjoy Encouragement for Today! Please enter me in the subscription drawing for P31 Woman. Keep up the good work!
I would love to win a subscription. Can’t afford to buy it so winning would be gift from the Lord right now. thanks so much for the chance.
Thank you for the opportunity to win the magazine subscription! I found out about Proverbs 31 a few months ago and have been extremely blessed with everything I have learned so far! I have been a Christian for a few years, but I’ve never had any women around me to get wisdom from, I recently got married and wanted to learn how to be a Godly woman and wife. Since finding all of the Proverbs 31 ladies I can definitely say it’s an answer to my prayers!!
I can’t tell you the difference that P31 has made in my daily life! I asked God for a resource to help me as a semi-new mom (4 yr old & 11/2 yr old), and I promise that day I heard a little message on my local christian radio, looked you up and now I can’t wait to get to my in-box every day to see what God is going to show me!
Awesome article. I lost my dad at age 7 and have always been touched by the loss of losing someone. My mom is in her 80’s and has dementia but still remembers her kids and always wants them around. Not sure when she’ll leave this old world but will remember and have Hope. God Bless and thank God for pets !!
Love Proverbs 31! Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been following all the girls in this ministry for awhile. Sooo many talented writers you have. Would love to win the magazine..blessings
Your post are very uplifting..May God richely bless you.
Would love to win a subscription for the magazine. Had it last year and enjoyed opening my mail box each month.
I’d totally enjoy a free subscription to P31!
i’ve been encouraged throuth this mimistry
How fun and encouraging to have a chance for a free year’s subscription to P31 Women!
I love the Proverbs 31 devotions the last year and a half and would really enjoy winning the magazine subscription
Would love to have this subscription! thanks for the giveaway.
Thank you for this great offer! I would love to be entered in for this giveaway!
As I go forward with bible studies from Proverbs 31 women, I am amazed by their openness? and faith. I would love to have a subscription to the magazine. Thank you, Micca, for a chance.
Susan in Atlanta
I’d love to receive this magazine! I’ve been blessed by your ministry. Thank you!
I would love another year’s subscription to P31 Woman. I have enjoyed the last year immensely.
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win the subscription!!!
i would love to win the 1yr subscription…ive heard its a very good magazine…
I’ve been in love with P31 since discovering you all in November. Please enter me in the drawing for the magazine.
I would be grateful for the opportunity to win a subscription. Thank you.
You may not realize it, but your post says leave a COMMIT to enter for the magazine. That is truely what it is! Committing to be a godly woman! I want to renew my mind daily with God’s word and a Godly magazine! In 2 days, will be our 1st Sunday Pastoring our new church. Lord knows I need all the help I can get!
I would Love to win the 1 yr subscription as well. 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway…
Dear Micca,
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your book and a subscription to ps31 magazine. I heard about proverbs31 on a local Christian radio station last fall. At that time. I had been going through a difficult season in my life being a single mother of 4 and going through a very difficult separation and divorce from my husband who had been mentally and physically abusive to me. The daily emails of devotionals I began to receive from proverbs31 were a miracle. Each and every day the devotionals and scripture references I believe were a gift from God. By the way I don’t know how I even got subscribed. I know know that it was God. In a few short months I began attending a prayer group and learned to pray. I read the bible every day and talk to God. My life has totally turned around. My kids and I just moved out of our 600 square ft run down apartment to a 1500 square foot practically brand new home for about the same rent. God has totally changed my life and I wanted You to know that proverbs31 has helped me grow closer to God. I pray that whoever wins these gifts will be blessed by them.
Thank you and God bless.
Love love love all you p31 gals and all you do. Would love to win too!
Thanks so much
Would love a subscription to your magazine. I have been so impressed with Provrbs 31 Womens ministries
I would love to get a year of P31 Magazine….
You all have such a great ministry there… the devotionals I get each day are so amazing.. God has really used some of them in my life….
Thank you for letting God use you to encourage other women in their lives and walks with God.
It would be awesome to win this! Sometimes when I am down I need a little pick me up.. and this would be an awesome way to get it! Good luck to all!
Micca, I have sooooo wanted to check out P31 Magazine. I just financially haven’t been able to subscribe. Please keep me in mind. Thanks for the opportunity & God Bless =)
I get the daily devos and I would love a subscription to the magazine. Thanks for the opportunity!
Proverbs 31 has helped and blessed me in so many ways. I would love to win a magazine subscription!! Thanks so much!!
I received the magazine for a year and had to stop getting it due to financial stress in this economy. I would feel so blessed to get it again.
Love the treasures I hear on the radio. Have never seen the magazine. Would definitely be an encouragement to me. Blessings.
I’d love a chance to win.
I would love to win a copy of this magazine. I have heard wonderful things about it.
I would love this magaazine!!
Would love to get the magazine have a teenager and am very concerned about what she reads so anything from P31 – ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! Kareng
I would love to receive this magazine. I often times have wondered the ideal proverbs 31 woman I can be. I am sure that this magazine will show so many women in who are and how unique they are. It is such a blessing to be able to have a chance at seeing what the proverbs 31 magazine is like as well. Have a blessed day all!!
I would love to win P31 for a year!
Proverbs 31 ministries is such a blessing in my life. I look forward to the daily emails. I would love to have the magazine!
ps also would love to win a copy of your book Micca. I’ve tried to purchase at our local Christian bookstore, but they don’t carry it. I’ve thought of ordering it, but it I won it that would be even better.
I would love to win either the free l year subscription or the book The untroubled heart, I have some fears but am presently overcoming through God’s mercy and grace. But I would love to win! Take care and may God bless you. Carol
Would LOVE to see this magazine!!
I love the P31 website! I love the reassurance it delivers to me as I read your posts. Thank you for this opportunity to win a year’s subscription to your magazine!
I would love to win
What a blessing you are to be offering a subscription to another deserving Christian woman! I enjoy following your blog and that of the other P31 ladies. I’m hoping to be able to start a subscription to the magazine as soon as I find a job here in Richmond, VA!
I have wanted to subscribe, but haven’t had the extra money… Please enter my name in the drawing. God Bless you.
I love the website and all of the speakers and writers that I have been introduced to through Proverbs 31. Would love to read your book and the magazine would be such a treat. Thank you for encouraging others in the faith. Blessings 🙂
love your blog! i’m so much looking forward to seeing/meeting you in granbury at the end of this month! would LOVE to win!
Thanks for the oppportunity to win a subscription. I have been blessed by reading your book, and still refer back to it….
Lots of love,
I just recently found Proverbs 31 ministry. You gals do a great job!
If I were to win the subscription to P31 Magazine or your book, I wouldn’t be the only winner. I would be able to share it with my daughters, who would then share it with their friends, who would then share it at their Bible studies and in their dorms. The sharing would be “paid forward” and an unnumbered amount of people would have an opportunity to share in the blessings!
May His Peace Sustain You,
Kelly Cooke
I would love to receive this magazine. Proverbs 31 has been such a blessing!
I am so HUNGRY to deepen my relationship with the Lord! I have a strong desire to help women over come society’s influence over their state of well being in relation to their body image.
I would love to receive the magazine since I haven’t read one before. it would be really nice to know what its all about.
I love also love the chance to win! Thank you for the opportunity!
Micca, Thanks for your devotional “Fear of the Unknown”! My family and I are facing some unknowns right now. You’re devo really gave me encouragement. I also wanted to share that I recently was delivered from my fear of driving. God has given me victory over that. He is a good God! I would love to read your book and see what other insights you have to offer.
I would be so thankful to win the magazine I recently met a girl at our community pool who introduce me to the Daily Devotions which I subscribed to and I am so blessed to get that, it sure helps with my daily life and walk with the Lord. May the Lord pour out many blessings to you for all the blessings you have gien to so many others. Ruthie
Hi Micca. I’m new here and I’ve never seen P31 Woman. I’d love to be entered for a chance to win the subscription and your book. I’ve been craving the Lords presence lately and have felt him in my life. I’m so grateful for the blogs I’ve come across and the number of women I’ve meet that have a love for Christ.
Hugs…Tracy 🙂
P.S. I’d love to have you stop over and visit my blog too.
What an encouragement Proverbs 31 has been to me over the past 14 years. I would love to be able to win either your book of the magazine.
What a great giveaway – encouragement and edification throughout the year… And I just think God would orchestrate the arrival of the magazine, with God-ordained articles, for the days and times I need them most.
This sounds awesome!
Oh yes, I most definitly would love an opportunity to read and share the magazine with others.
The Holy Spirit is leading me to buy this book for my friend Debbie. She is very fearful about the future of her health and I believe this would help her. Thanks for your wonderful devotionals! God bless you.
I have just recently discovered the PS31 website. I am a single mom going through a job change, and your site has encouraged me in incredible ways through this journey. I would love to win the one year subscription!
I would love to win it!
Praise God for your ministry Micca! Thank you for sharing your life experiences and the ways God works through you and all of us. As a single mom I am currently facing many challenges, but my faith in God is what carries me through each day. I look forward to reading your books as I am absorbing as much as I can to find more and more strength to know and grow with God.
Many blessings to you Micca!
I have two daughters who I would love to share your magazine with !!! Thanks for your insight!!!
Micca, I have your book and 1/3 of the way into it and it is so touching… But I would love to have the magazine coming to me also!!!! Have wanted to order, but funds are low for now….Thanks for the opportunity!!
Cindy M~TN
I popped over from Wendy’s Walkin Thru The Word today and want to say Thank You for offering this encouragement to all of us who are trying to live our best life through our Lord! I have been truly best to be a part of Walk thru the Word and now to come across your site is another blessing I will add to my favorites bar;)
I would love to get your magazine in my mailbox!
Your Encouragement of the Day devotion has spoken to me…or rather God has
I am leaving this comment, because I think God absolutely wants to deliver me from fear. It’s been in our family toooooo long. He’s been working on my heart for 6 years now specifically with fear, and is continuing to root it out. Thank you, Lord!! Whomever he gives this gift to, will be exactly whom he wants to read it!! I’m so glad you wrote this book to encourage others to live a life of faith, not fear! “FEAR NOT, for I have REDEEMED you. YOU are MINE.” I pray God continues to bless this ministry and all the women involved!
Oh, I would LOVE to win the subscription. I recently became aquainted with Proverbs 31 and have joined the INS Bible Study. What a wonderful ministry you ladies have! Thank you from an ole sinner like me!!!!
I am just getting started in Women’s Ministry and can’t get my hands on enough material on women. I would LOVE to win this and look forward to seeing God grow me!! 🙂
It would be wonderful to win the magazines!!!
Sounds like a great magazine and would love to receive it!
I just stumbled upon this website today and would love to win this magazine subscription.
I enjoy reading the daily devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries. It is such a blessing & encouragement to me. I would love to win the magazine subscription! Thank you for the opportunity and may God continue to bless this ministry! 🙂
This would be wonderful to enjoy for a year.
I discovered Proverbs 31 website about a year ago and I love it! I’ve really enjoyed reading the daily devotions.
Thank you. I will like to be entered in the contest.
This would be wonderful to have!
We are all so grateful to have women like you, Micca! You are inspiring those of us to be the women God has created us to be. Thank you for allowing God to work through you! Blessings!
I am so excited that you are giving away a chance to WIN a subscription to the P31 Magazine. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I just love all of the ladies blogs with Proverbs 31 Ministry. You ladies keep up the GREAT work. I pray that the Lord will keep blessing your ministry.
I’ve subscribed to the daily devotional emails for almost a year now and there are days when I am amazed at how the writing speaks to me and is exactly what I needed to hear. God knows what we need, when we need it, and how we will hear it!
Thank you for the chance to win a subscription to P31 Woman.
It would be wonderful to win this great magazine!
Love P31! Always just what I need to hear!
Dear Ms. Campbell, I read your article on fear, the one you told about losing your husband, and the Lord used it to help in calming the storm in my heart. (Well maybe to reduce it, I am still working on trusting Him for the calmness:) My son has just been released from rehab and I am so scared for him. As you talked of the scripture of knowing the days allotted for your husband and what was in store for him, I thought about my own doubts about the addiction that came into my son’s life (although the choice was his) and why God didn’t stop it before it happened. The False evidence appearing real was just what I needed to hear. God does love us and wants what is best. How could he send Heaven’s Best and not love us unconditionally thereafter? I would love to have a subscription to your magazine.
I would LOVE to have a years subscription to Proverbs 31….I find all these blogs so inspiring and would love to be able to see the finished product all in one place.
Please enter me in the contest.
Its my birthday, hoping this can be my yearlong gift. I know what it is to struggle with fear, but I also know what immerse strength and deliverance God gives when we call to Him in our fearful times.
Thanks for the offer.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a year’s subscription to P31 magazine. I teach in a middle school and find my peace and release in reading and writing. What better soul treat than to read the articles in the P31 magzine, and to receive a gift that gives all year. Blessings to you!!
At this time, financially, I am unable to afford a subscription. However, I know my walk with the Lord would be super ignited via this tool. Please prayerfully consider me for this giveaway. Blessings.
What a blessing you are giving some very fortunate woman! Of course I hope it is me, but if not, I know it will bless another and I’m excited about that as well. Thank you for being a servant of The Lord.
My friend sent your “Fearing the Unkown” to me by email. It uplifted me so much!! I am going through extreme health issues at this time.
Hi Micca your message is awesome. I truly appreciate each of your articles and the depth of your faith. I continue this walk of faith with your inspiration and encouragement. Thank you and God Bless, Linda
Love your book Micca and your devotions are always SO encouraging!
Many prayers for you and your Family. Thank you for being a such a
blessing to all of us ! Aimee
Thank you for the opportunity.
I was introduced to P31 about a year ago, it’s been a joy getting to know some of the ladies through their blogs.
An amazing journey of courage and strength.