When circumstances appear to take an unexpected turn, our faith can be shaken.
Like I described in today’s Devotion, when tragedy strikes doubt and anger can overwhelm us. You wonder how you’ll ever endure the disaster unfolding before you.
However, adversity should never be the end of our faith. It should be the beginning. I’ve discovered it takes a strong faith to endure life’s toughest sufferings. Faith in God that He sees you and your circumstances is the hope that keeps us afloat.
But what should we do when our uncontrollable situation has rocked our faith? How do you begin to rebuild your faith?
1. Choose to Trust God: God is faithful to his promises no matter our situation. He desires the best for your life and mine. At times, what we think is the best and what He knows is the best may be conflicting. As I always say, God sees the bigger picture, and He can be trusted.
2. Don’t Listen to the Enemy: Satan uses our hardships to by infusing our mind with doubt. Doubt is what leads us to question our faith. When we refuse to look at our circumstances through our limitations, God gives us a sense of peace and rest.
3. Meditate on His promises. Searching the Bible for God’s promises is one way we can quiet the wavering of our faith. God’s promises reassure us that He is in control. That He keeps His word and has promised to work all things out for our good.
Here are a few verses that I turned to when my faith began to falter. In them I hope you find strength and comfort as I did.
“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (Nahum 1:7).
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Cor 4:8,9).
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me” (Ps 138:7).
“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all” (Ps 34:19).
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Ps 46:1).
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there, if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (Proverbs 139:7-10).
I’m sure you have verses of your own that have sustained you during times of sufferings. Feel free to share them with us!
I’m going through some financial difficulties at the moment. I’m a single parent of 3. My eldest son is 23 years old and he is working but his salary is so little it does not even cover his petrol for the month. I fell prey to a conman because I was lonely and vulnerable and did not listen to the Holy Spirit. I’ve lost R48000.00 which I gave to this person thinking that I can trust him as he was my so called “boyfriend”. I am in such a financial mess now that I’m not sure how I am going to survive tomorrow. I wake up at night and it feels like someone hit me in the stomach then I cannot go back to sleep. It’s been a month now since this has happened and it feels to me as if it is getting worse everyday, but God is faithful and I know that He will make a way for me. I’ve been closer to God now for the first time cause now I realise that I cannot depend on my own strenght and it is messages like this that give me new courage for the day. I realise that I have to give full control to Him and be thankful for the family that He has blessed me with. I also realise that I have to trust Him to bless me with a partner as I am 43 years old and divorced and I’m afraid of being alone for the rest of my life and because of my fears I fell prey to this person. I still beleive that God has a miracle in store for me.
I’m praying for you right now Renata. God promises to work ALL things for good. Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you. You only need to be still ❤ trust Him. He has you and your family covered.
Renata, God has, indeed, promised you good. I pray as you seek Him and trust Him he will set your feet on the right path and restore your life and fill you with joy.
As I was reading my P31 email this morning (which I don’t always do), I was immediately drawn to your story. When I was 18 years old my mother suffered a massive heart attack. Long story short, I SCREAMED TO GOD to save her – and she passed away. At that moment I began my second plea – God, PLEASE don’t take my dad! Two months later he was diagnosed with cancer and died 8 months later in my arms. I WAS SO ANGRY!!!! As a child, raised in faith, I had been taught HE was in conrol of everything – and HOW could a God that loved me allow this to happen to me!?!??!!
Well, I remained a bit angry for several years – but just as we’re taught – HE NEVER LEFT ME! I am now 50 years old and KNOW God has brought me through. It’s so awesome to be on the other side – willing to offer hope to others suffering.
God bless your ministry!
Thank you so much for your very timely message. I got here from my Proverbs 31 daily email. Yesterday I took my kids to a memorial fundraiser for my 7 year old son’s “best friend in heaven.” Today I am struggling to again answer a fresh wave of questions from my son, and with finding peace and meaning in the tragedy that took him 6 months ago. Last fall, our precious little friend took suddenly ill with a rare disease. For 3 months he fought with incredible strength and bravery. He miraculously overcame incredible challenges that time and again should have taken his life, cardiac arrests, coma, multi system organ failures, yet through it all his brain remained intact and he seemed to be miraculously coming out of it intact, although suffering amputations of fingertips and feet due to the septic shock at the onset of the disease. The horror and the heartbreak to his family and all of us who knew him…was unspeakable… This beautiful, precious, full-of-life boy who once ran around with my own boy, you know the kind…red faced, laughing and sweating and full of life and mischief… To find meaning or understand God’s ways in this is impossible this side of heaven, I think. So just to learn to trust God is the answer. One thing I’ve found in it all, is that since God sees the big picture, so much of what we believe to be so important must not really be that important…we just have to look to heaven. Cling to Jesus. Just look to our ultimate destination. Just spend your life for God, and for your ultimate destination and that of others who’s lives you can touch, because ultimately that is what really matters.
I hold on to Romans 8:28. It has gotten me through the difficult road of being a single parent to of two. They are now adults and I am dealing with my son being deployed on July 12, and my daughter making some unfortunate choices that are breaking my heart. She is not even speaking to me. I have held onto that scripture before and will continue to hold onto it through this.
I came across your page somehow. I was looking for some kind of devotions in the Bible Study guide online and started to read your story. Then it brought me to a devotion and bible verses. I am a 50 year old single mother for 10 years now. My youngest is still living with me and he is 21 and needless to say has a job that does not help me at all. Goes thru his money like drinking water. Took in my niece who left her husband in Dec of 2012 and her 4 year old son. She was out of a job for 5 months so I did what I could do and put her under my roof. Now she has a job thank you Jesus and has no respect for me to offer to pay anything. I work a commission only job and I am drowning in debt! I had a boyfriend that lived with me for 4 years and we found the Lord together. As I moved on with Christ he stayed content. I struggled with our living arrangements for sometime. I asked him to move out cause the Holy Spirit was tugging at me so long, instead of the response I thought I would get from him he just left me. So on top of everything else now I was abandoned again! I cried out for almost 2 years God why when I thought I was doing what you expected of me why am I only again! I got to the point of not even getting up in the mornings and reading my word. I feel I am holding on by my finger tips and feel God will I ever get past all of this. I know God is God and he has me but I feel so num.
Kim, as bad as it hurts to be alone, you did the right thing by asking your son to leave. He’s an adult who needs to stand on his on especially if her was taking avantage of you. I know what it feels to be lonely. As I grieved, I longed for a pair of arms to hold and comfort me. I found those capable arms I was looking for were God’s. You are never alone! Talk with God, put on praise music, get out and serve and make friends. It will truly lift your spirit and heal your heart. Ps139 encouraged me. I encourage you to read it today.
I’ve always wanted to be a wife and a mother but unfortuate that did not turn out the way i wanted it to. I gave my life to christ soon after the divorce and had been living single ever since. It’s always been my prayer since I’ve been saved is to live holy before God inspite of everything I may endure along the way. My purification came to a screeching holt 3 years ago when I met the nicest man, it took me sometime to even talk to him and finally a year later I decided to to allow him to call me. There was only one thing wrong with this picture and that was that this guy was not filled with the holy spirit, he is a church goer but has not been reborn. I thought I was strong enough to by myself to take on this chalenge and convert him. boy was I wrong, not only did I fall back into fornication but now I am spirtually tied to this person. I beleived God for saving this person because I really love him but my life came to a stop when I heard the holy spirit say live him alone. This is not for you, it interfers with your destiny. I been through situations before where I have had to stand on nothing but the word of God but this time my faith is really being tested. When I read Micca’s story this morning it hit me again, that this is really happening I have lost this person that I really thought was going to be my husband. I donot know what to feel, I am knumb at times I been angery at God but all at the same time I find myself been drawn close to him. I know that God is going to bring me out of this hurt and despire and I keep telling him that I know that he is faithful. I will trust you lord; with tears in my eyes even now as I type Iam reminded of God’s word in ps.23 where he says thou I walk through the vally of the shadow of death I will not fear for God is with me. This is what brings me true joy doing and seeing the manifestion of my daddy (jesus).
Shawda, I understand your emotions. I’ve been there living daily with hurt and anger. The day I decided to talk to God about my feelings, I was able to receive his care. It truly was a turning point for me. I suggest you be honest. Tell God what you feel. Crawl up into his lap and feel his love surround you. Ask him to heal your hurt. God is ready to provide what you need.
I loved this. I’m facing several circumstances. One of my sons has made some choices in life that have crushed me. He was once on fire for God and now is lost in a dark world. A very angry person. god told me long ago that he was like Timothy and although I want to believe that I have fallen into the pit of discouragement. I know my God is bigger but it’s devotions like these where I know that I am not alone. Jesus is carrying me through this, I’m standing on His promises for my life. I’m also struggling with a relationship with my sister-in-law. She has said some very hurtful things about me and my family and mocks my faith. I just don’t know how to deal with her. I’ve prayed for her and still do but she continues to live a life of bitterness and jealously and continues to spread this in our family. I forward her devotions and scriptures and she makes snide remarks which are so hurtful. I’m still trusting that God will work all things for good in this situation but how much do I take until I walk away? I feel so sad for her and how she chooses to live in a world of darkness rather than experience the joy of The Lord. It’s in Gods timing. I’m never giving up.
Cheryl, I hear your heart and know you’re pain. I’ve also had a child who drifts, and an a mother in law who didn’t understand my faith either. It was burtal for almost 20 years. When she hurt me, I forgave her. When I never wanted to see her again, I’d go over to her house–praying all the time. For the past few years, she had joined a bible study, given her heart to the Lord and is completely changed. We are called to suffer for the gospel, and girl, you and I are doing our jobs–right, but hang in there. It’s worth the wait when she turns and your child comes home.
My go to verse was shared with me from a wonderfully Godly friend. I was in the midst of a divorce and had an almost 2 year old son. I cried on my friend’s shoulder over and over and Jeremiah 29:11 was the verse she shared with me. I finally was able to forgive my ex-husband but I literally had to get on my knees at my bedside one night and pray for God to take away my hurt and anger over the situation. It certainly didn’t happen over night, but I was finally able to move on. I met an wonderful friend who worked in a different department within the same company as I did. Eventually, this wonderful friend became my husband and step father to my now 5 year old son. We have a sweet baby girl due November 11!! God does restore the brokenhearted!! I am living proof!!
You have no idea how much I needed these exact words today. I had a routine pregnancy checkup this morning and at 10 weeks we found out our baby that had a heartbeat 4 weeks ago was no longer beating and had not grown. Tomorrow I will have a D&C to remove this sweet baby. I have struggled with fertility issues for 8 years and at the age of 30 this pregnancy was a complete surprise. I have no children and had never been pregnant before. I don’t understand why this has happened and I know that its not my place to understand but it doesn’t stop me from being angry with God. I I often thought that it would be easier to get pregnant and have a miscarriage then to never be able to get pregnant at all. But then to struggle for so long and have it taken from you is the ultimate pain. pray that I am able to hand my pain over to Him, it just seems too hard at this point.
Sweet Kelly, I’m so sorry. There is no pain like the loss of a child. Give yourself time to grieve no matter what others say. But in process also talk to God about your feelings. Know that He didn’t take your baby. We live in a fallen world where terrible things occur. this is not the world God created. He created a good world. What God promises you is comfort and healing. He promised to take the bad and work it out for good. God will not waste this loss. Draw near to HIm and He will draw near to you.
I’m praying for you.
Sooo needed to read this Micca! Thank you for these beautiful reminders 🙂
Micca, When I find I need strength mediating on the word is the most powerful tool for me to actually start moving forward and not remain stuck. I often take a screenshot picture of a verse and save it on my phone so it’s right there constantly to read throughout the day.
Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you. 1 Peter 5:7
I really enjoyed your post today 🙂
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” (Psalms 91:1, 2 NASB)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5, 6 ESV)
Thank you for your devotional today on Rehab. I cried through it all, realizing even more that I am holding on by a thread.
My husband and I, along with our 4 kids (ages 20, 19, 16, & 15) have been missionaries for the past 15 years. The churches in our area were very weak spiritually and we began to see how our kids were suffering for it, so we began to pray. A year later our mission board decided to cancel all funding for missionaries unless you were a church planter/pastor. Though we had been in the pastorate before, it was not a true calling for my husband. His gift lies in teaching the Word and ministering to college/young married/singles. We were let go. My mother became ill at this time and needed help, so we left the field to tend her and take advantage of stronger churches for our kids to grow in their faith. We had such great plans of our kids growing, meeting the needs of my family that does not know the Lord, my husband finding a ministry position. Great plans… 3 weeks later my mother dies –not a peaceful death surrounded by loved ones. It was just me, who loved her tremendously, but it was a scarey painful death for her and ultimately a lonely one for her without a savior. We were living in our family home and discovered their was a reverse mortgage on it, so 6 months later the bank claimed my childhood home and sold it. All this time my husband has been looking or a ministry position with a few glimmers of hope, but ultimately nothing. My brother takes us in, but he (not a believer) struggles with our Mother’s loss and tries to commit suicide. My nephew, 17 and with drug issues runs away from home, has a break own and is committed on a suicide watch. My brother’s home is next to our family home which is now sold. It was a lovely home with beautiful gardens all around it. It is now gutted, the gardens dried up from lack of care, trees cut down; a shell with no hint of its former glory and we see it day in and day out and our heart breaks for the loss. It has been a year and a half now. We still live with my brother (kids sleep on the couch and floor, husband & I have my nephew’s vacated room). My brother is better. My nephew recently moved back and is sleeping on the floor in my brother’s room. My husband has found no work and wonders if God is done with him as far as ministry goes (ministry has been his life and has no other skills to offer) and is struggling to find work anywhere. In the midst of all of this, I become ill and spend 2 weeks in the hospital, over a week in ICU. Because of my illness I will be on medication for the rest of my life and working myself is not physically possible right now. We have cashed out what little retirement my husband had and have enough to see us through the Fall. If ever the barn was empty, no fruit on the vine etc… It is now. I have no where else to go. God is my red thread and like in the movie, Facing the Giants, “I will love you God!”. God is enough is my mantra. I fear that this will be our life, though we can’t continue to live with my brother –but where do we go and how? Our kids are plugged into a good church and are growing in their faith, but my husband and I find ourselves wilting under all this stress and pressure.
For me, Proverbs 31 ministries has been a lifeline and I thank you and all the folks involved with that.
I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Reading these other posts gives me folks, who seem to be in similar situations, people to pray for and not feel so alone.
I am old enough in my faith to know “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 and “Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” Habbakkuk 1:5. Help me to see, Lord. Help me to see.
Hi Micca. I truly enjoy your stories and I am currently reading “An Untroubled Heart.” I am deeply struggling with raising a son with autism. It so hard to know if we are doing all we can. You have so many hopes and dreams for your child and its difficult when they are struck with a disability that likely will prevent them from leading an independent life. I have prayed over and over for God to help him, but our progress remains basically unchanged. Please remember us in prayer that God would help our son, and give us peace about the future.